
Air quality statistics at reporting stations

This page was archived on 23 Nov 2023 with reason: Content is outdated
AirBase is the European air quality database maintained by the EEA through its European topic centre on Air pollution and Climate Change mitigation. It contains air quality monitoring data and information submitted by participating countries throughout Europe. The air quality database consists of a multi-annual time series of air quality measurement data and statistics for a number of air pollutants. It also contains meta-information on those monitoring networks involved, their stations and their measurements. The database covers geographically all EU Member States, the EEA member countries and some EEA collaborating countries. The EU Member States are bound under Decision 97/101/EC to engage in a reciprocal exchange of information (EoI) on ambient air quality. The EEA engages with its member and collaborating countries to collect the information foreseen by the EoI Decision because air pollution is a pan European issue and the EEA is the European body which produces assessments of air quality, covering the whole geographical area of Europe.

Every year countries report air quality measurement data for a set of pollutants at a representative selection of stations. Reporting follows the requirements of the Council Decision 97/101/EC, a reciprocal Exchange of Information (EoI) on ambient air quality.

Statistics calculated on the reported data are also stored in AirBase.

AirBase is managed by the European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change and Mitigation (ETC/ACM) on behalf of the EEA.

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