
Global megatrends update: 3 Changing disease burdens and risks of pandemics

Publication Created 15 Aug 2014 Published 15 Aug 2014
1 min read
In 2010, the EEA produced its first assessment of global megatrends as part of its five-yearly assessment of the European environment’s state, trend and prospects (SOER 2010). In preparation for SOER 2015, the EEA updated each of the megatrends, providing a more detailed analysis based on the latest data. This publication is one of the 11 updates being published separately. In mid-2015 the chapters will be consolidated into a single EEA technical report.
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File Background report GMT3: Disease burdens and the risk of new pandemics 4.4 MB 15 Aug 2014, 09:51 AM Published