
Linking in situ vegetation data to the EUNIS habitat classification: results for forest habitats

Publication Created 25 Nov 2015 Published 25 Nov 2015
1 min read
This report descibes the EUNIS habitat classification review which provides the context for a number of policy-related ecosystem and habitat assessments. It is a European reference to which other national or regional classifications can be cross referenced. The review of terrestrial EUNIS habitat classification, on the basis of georeferenced vegetation samples, aims to enhance the technical capacity for documenting, monitoring and assessing the quality of habitats at the European level. This work strengthens the knowledge base that is used for assessing progress towards the European Union (EU) and global biodiversity targets for 2020.
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File Annex 1: EUNIS forest habitats types (proposed) 465.2 KB 17 Dec 2015, 10:37 AM Published
File Annex 2a and 2b: details the crosswalks between EUNIS habitat classification and the vegetation syntaxa (pdf) 486.8 KB 27 Nov 2015, 05:57 PM Published
File Troff document Annex 3: EUNIS forest habitat data sheets (pdf) 1.1 MB 27 Nov 2015, 05:57 PM Published
File PostScript document Annex 4: EUNIS forest habitat maps (pdf) 2.3 MB 27 Nov 2015, 05:57 PM Published