Europe's water information at your fingertips

Our demand for water and wastewater discharges, often have a substantial impact on the quality and quantity of freshwater resources. On World Water Day, 22 March, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and partners presented a new and improved version of the web portal Water Information System for Europe (WISE).

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World Forest Day highlights multiple threats on forests

Forests cover over 30 % of the earth's surface. They are one of the most important 'storehouses' of biological diversity on land and play a key role in regulating our planet's climate. Their importance and the wide array of threats on world's forests are in the spotlight during the World Forest Day 21 March and the UN International Year of Forests 2011.

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UNEP report maps the pathways to a green economy

The EEA welcomes the publication today of UNEP's report 'Pathways to a green economy'. It represents a valuable contribution to the current debate on moving the world to a sustainable path in the 21st century.

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Renewable energy production must grow fast to reach the 2020 target

Europe has committed to obtain 20 % of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. An analysis of the 27 EU Member State action plans shows that renewable energy output is projected to grow by 6 % per year on average. Wind power, solar electricity and biofuels are foreseen to contribute with the highest growth rates. If all Member States follow the trajectory outlined in their plans, the EU will exceed its 20 % renewable energy target by 0.7 percentage points.

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Disasters in Europe: more frequent and causing more damage

The number and impacts of disasters have increased in Europe in the period 1998-2009, a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) concludes. The report assesses the frequency of disasters and their impacts on humans, the economy and ecosystems and calls for better integrated risk disaster management across Europe.

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Has policy improved Europe's air quality?

In recent decades, the EU has introduced a range of policies to improve air quality by controlling pollutant emissions. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) evaluates three key instruments and finds that they have significantly improved Europe's air quality and reduced pollution-induced health effects. There is scope for even more progress, however, if countries achieve all their binding commitments to reduce emissions.

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Biodiversity year comes to end, the challenge remains

The International Year of Biodiversity 2010 has officially ended with closing ceremonies held last weekend. The European Environment Agency (EEA) will continue supporting European policy makers in their efforts to implement measures agreed earlier this year in Nagoya, Japan.

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COP16: Climate talks set the way forward

Two-week long negotiations on a global climate deal ended with a balanced and substantive package of decisions adopted on 11 December, known as the Cancún Agreement. The European Union welcomed the positive outcome of the COP16 conference and stressed that it is willing to do its fair share of the global effort.

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Building stronger links for sharing environmental data

What we know about Europe’s environment comes from data collected by countless data providers. The Belgian Presidency of the European Union and the European Environment Agency (EEA) organised a conference to facilitate the sharing of environmental information.

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COP16: climate change talks start in Mexico

Governments, civil society and business representatives are convening in Cancun, Mexico, on 29 November – 10 December for a United Nations conference (COP16) on combating climate change. In the run up to the conference, the European Union reiterated its desire to see a balanced set of decisions in Cancún.

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