

Trends in oxygen concentrations in the near-bottom waters of the North-East Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea regions (1989-2021)

Figure Created 29 Jan 2024 Published 06 Feb 2024 Last modified 06 Feb 2024
1 min read
The maps show trends in annual 25-percentile of oxygen concentrations in near-bottom waters at stations with at least 6 years of observations in the period 1989-2021, and the number of trends for the North-East Atlantic and Baltic Sea, by three classes of DO concentrations: <4mg/l (including <2mg/l class); 4-6mg/l and >6mg/l. Only trends for time series ending after 2000 are included. The chart shows the number of time series with increasing trend/no trend/decreasing trend in the North-East Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea for grid cells with concentrations <4 mg/l, 4-6 mg/l and >6 mg/l group, for oxygen concentrations in the near-bottom layer during 1989-2021.
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