

Trend in the status of stocks assessment and the progress made in GES assessment in the North East Atlantic and Baltic Sea since 1945

Figure Created 10 Dec 2019 Published 11 Dec 2019 Last modified 11 Dec 2019
1 min read
This figure shows trends in the status of assessed fish stocks between 1947 and 2017, expressed in two metrics: fishing mortality (F) and reproductive capacity (i.e. spawning stock biomass (SSB)). It reflects their average deviation relative to policy thresholds for Good Environmental Status (GES) (i.e. Fmsy and MSY B trigger respectively)*. For fishing mortality, 1 is a target (Fmsy), above which exploitation is unsustainable, while for reproductive capacity, 1 is a precautionary limit (MSY B trigger), below which there is a high risk that it is impaired.
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