

The EU’s consumption-based performance for selected planetary boundaries

Figure Created 05 Dec 2019 Published 09 Dec 2019 Last modified 09 Dec 2019
1 min read
The study takes a conservative approach, as it calculates the European share based on the lower end values of the global zone of uncertainty de ned by Ste en et al. (2015). For example, the global zone of uncertainty for Freshwater is de ned as 4000-6000 km3 in Ste en et al. (2015). This study uses 4000 km3 as the basis for calculating the European share. In some cases (indicated in brackets) slightly di erent control variables have been used than in Ste en et al. (2015).The yellow zone of uncertainty represents the average range across six principles to allocate a European share of the global safe operating space (equality, needs, rights to development, sovereignity, capability).More information in the forthcoming EEA report
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