

Data on greenhouse gas emissions relevant under the Europe 2020 Strategy (total EU GHG emissions and non-ETS national GHG emissions)

Figure Created 16 Dec 2013 Published 16 Dec 2013 Last modified 07 Feb 2014
2 min read
Data compiled by EEA. At EU level, the data provided are total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (excluding emissions from LULUCF, including emissions from international aviation), which are consistent with the emission scope covered in the EU’s objective to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% compared to 1990 by 2020. At Member State level, the data provided are ‘non-ETS emissions’ (emissions covered under the ‘Effort Sharing Decision’ (406/2009/EC)). The Effort Sharing Decision sets national annual binding targets for emissions not covered under the EU emission trading scheme (ETS). These non-ETS emissions exclude emissions from LULUCF, emissions from international aviation and CO2 emissions from domestic aviation.
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