

Landfill — air emissions of selected pollutants from 2010-2020, indexed to 2010

Figure Created 17 Oct 2022 Published 12 Dec 2022 Last modified 12 Dec 2022
1 min read
Emissions reported to European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) of 3 pollutants (CO2, NH3, CH4), and number of reporting facilities. Emissions from 2010-2020, indexed to 2010. Activity covered: 5d in annex I of the E-PRTR Regulation (‘Landfills (excluding landfills of inert waste and landfills which were closed before 16.7.2001 or for which the after-care phase required by the competent authorities according to Article 13 of the Landfill Directive); receiving 10 tonnes per day or with a total capacity of 25 000 tonnes’).
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