

Gap between average 2008–2009 total GHG emissions and Kyoto targets (with and without the use of carbon sinks and flexible mechanisms)

Figure Created 17 Oct 2011 Published 17 Oct 2011 Last modified 13 Jun 2017
1 min read
The assessment is based on average 2008–2009 emissions and the planned use of flexible mechanisms as well as the expected effect of LULUCF activities. For each country, the top bar represents the gap between domestic emissions and the Kyoto target, while the bar below includes the planned effect of Kyoto mechanisms and carbon sinks. A positive value indicates a country for which average 2008 and 2009 non-ETS emissions were lower than the annual target. Based on the actual Swiss emissions for 2008 and 2009 and projections for the remaining years of the first commitment period, the Swiss government decided on 10 June 2011 to increase its use of flexible mechanisms to meet the Kyoto target.
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