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Figure Resource productivity in Europe, 2000, 2008 and 2017 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 01:58 PM Published
Figure Country comparison - Recycling rates of municipal waste, 2004 and 2017 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 08:02 AM Published
Figure Circular material use rate 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 08:02 AM Published
Figure text/texmacs Progress towards selected waste management targets 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 08:01 AM Published
Figure chemical/x-molconn-Z Country comparison - Reductions in PCB emissions per capita in EEA-33 countries 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 08:08 AM Published
Figure object code Number of people exposed to Lden ≥ 55 dB in Europe, based on areas covered by strategic noise maps 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 08:10 AM Published
Figure Number of people exposed to Lnight ≥ 50 dB in Europe, based on areas covered by strategic noise maps 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 08:14 AM Published
Figure Number of people exposed to Lden ≥ 55 dB and estimated percentage change between 2017-2030 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 08:28 AM Published
Figure C source code header Fraction of REACH chemicals which are persistent and mobile, and found in surface water 1 KB 12 Dec 2019, 06:26 PM Published
Figure Country comparison - Percentage of people exposed to high noise levels by country in 2017 1 KB 12 Dec 2019, 06:18 PM Published
Figure Change in quiet areas between 2012 and 2017, for selected cities 1 KB 12 Dec 2019, 06:20 PM Published
Figure Air pollutant and GHG emissions as a percentage of total EEA-33 pollutant emissions in 2016, by industry sector 1 KB 12 Dec 2019, 06:21 PM Published
Figure Country comparison - Implied emission factors for SO2 emissions from LCPs burning predominantly solid fuel in 2005, 2010 and 2015 1 KB 12 Dec 2019, 06:22 PM Published
Figure D source code Key industrial air pollutant and GHG emissions for EEA-33 in 2007 to 2016 by industry sector 1 KB 12 Dec 2019, 06:24 PM Published
Figure Total pollutant emissions to water and transfers to UWWTPs by industry for EEA-33 in 2007 to 2017 by pollutant group 1 KB 12 Dec 2019, 06:25 PM Published
Figure Estimated number of IED installations covered by BAT conclusions 1 KB 13 Dec 2019, 07:56 AM Published
Figure Value added and employment in EU-28: total economy vs EGSS 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 01:34 PM Published
Figure chemical/x-genbank Development of the Gross Nitrogen Balance, Nitrogen use efficiency and GVA in the EU 28 1 KB 13 Dec 2019, 08:02 AM Published
Figure EU GHG emissions in the transport sector, 1990–2017 1 KB 20 Dec 2019, 03:06 PM Published
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