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Figure Cadmium accumulation in soils in the EU-27, 2010 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 08:46 AM Published
Figure National progress towards greenhouse gas emission targets under the ESR 1 KB 26 Oct 2022, 04:39 PM Published
Figure Critical limit exceedances for copper (left) and zinc (right) in the EU-27, 2010 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 08:46 AM Published
Figure Changes in ‘truly dark’ spaces in the EU-27 between 2014-2015 and 2020-2021 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 08:46 AM Published
Figure Spatial variation in N surplus (left) and P surplus (right) for the year 2010 in the EU-27 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 09:13 AM Published
Figure D source code Comparison of 16 climate and environmental impacts of EU consumption with the Earth’s carrying capacity 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 09:03 AM Published
Figure Percentage of groundwater stations in each country exceeding the drinking water standard (50mg of nitrates per litre) during the last two reporting periods, 2012-2015 and 2016-2019, under the Nitrates Directive 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 08:45 AM Published
Figure Nutrients in water bodies in the EU-27 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 08:45 AM Published
Figure The EU’s consumption footprint (expressed in aggregated millions of points), reflecting the total environmental and climate impacts of consumption, 2010-2020 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 09:02 AM Published
Figure Amount of total waste (excluding major mineral waste) sent to landfill in the EU, 2010-2018 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 09:02 AM Published
Figure Consumption of chemical groups in the EU, 2004-2020, indexed to 2004 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 09:02 AM Published
Figure CO2 concentrations in one classroom during the summer, assessed using CO2 traffic lights 1 KB 09 Dec 2022, 01:21 PM Published
Figure C source code header Estimated potential volume and value of industrial symbiosis activities by industry 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 09:03 AM Published
Figure Waste generation and decoupling per capita in the EU-27 1 KB 26 Oct 2023, 09:08 AM Published
Figure Generation of waste per capita and by European country (2010 and 2020) 1 KB 26 Feb 2024, 11:21 AM Published
Figure Progress in the management of contaminated sites in the EU, total number of recorded remediated sites 1 KB 09 Dec 2022, 01:21 PM Published
Figure Premature deaths in the EU-27 due to PM₂.₅ levels above the 2021 WHO guidelines and distance to the zero pollution target, 2005-2020 1 KB 01 Dec 2022, 02:56 PM Published
Figure Chart of pesticide incidence by country 1 KB 12 Dec 2022, 08:46 AM Published
Figure Possible oil spills detected by the European Maritime Safety Agency 1 KB 11 Jan 2023, 01:43 PM Published
Figure EU underwater noise energy (J) by sea, 2014-2020 1 KB 11 Jan 2023, 02:00 PM Published
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