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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
Figure Improvements across EU Biogeographical Regions 1 KB 15 Oct 2020, 09:45 AM Published
Figure Annual mean NO2 concentrations in 2018 1 KB 01 Oct 2020, 09:12 AM Published
Figure D source code Natura 2000 Network (terrestrial and marine areas) 1 KB 15 Oct 2020, 09:16 AM Published
Figure 90.4 percentile of PM10 daily concentrations in 2019 1 KB 07 Oct 2020, 03:12 PM Published
Figure Annual mean PM2.5 concentrations in 2019 1 KB 14 Oct 2020, 09:58 AM Published
Figure 93.2 percentile of O3 maximum daily 8-hour mean in 2019 1 KB 22 Oct 2020, 07:56 AM Published
Figure Annual concentrations of PM10 in 2018 1 KB 07 Oct 2020, 09:12 AM Published
Figure Annual mean NO2 concentrations 1 KB 08 Oct 2020, 11:16 AM Published
Figure Annual mean SO2 concentrations in 2018 1 KB 08 Oct 2020, 05:26 PM Published
Figure C source code Average NO2 pollution level (tropospheric vertical column) for 15 March - 15 April 2019 (left panel) and for the same period in 2020 (right panel) 1 KB 20 Oct 2020, 04:02 PM Published
Figure Share of country designated as terrestrial protected area and the overlap between Natura 2000 or Emerald sites and national designations 1 KB 18 Dec 2020, 03:26 PM Published
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