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Figure Regional distribution of dominant livestock types (expressed as livestock unit/ha UUA) and the change 1990-2000 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Share in world TEC, 2004 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Total phosphorus concentrations in selected European large lakes 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Species of European interest — conservation status by biogeographical region 1 KB 18 Mar 2013, 11:31 AM Published
Figure Mean tidal amplitude 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Population-weighted annual average concentrations of TSP, SO2 and NO2 in some EECCA countries 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Urban population exposure: geographical variations 1 KB 24 May 2017, 11:44 AM Published
Figure Urban water use 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Real changes in the price of freight transport, the Netherlands 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Decoupling in the energy sectors 2000-2020 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:36 AM Published
Figure object code Final Energy demand by sector - EU15 (Baseline Scenario) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:36 AM Published
Figure Domestic consumption of fossil fuels, EU15 1970-2001 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:36 AM Published
Figure Packaging waste generation in EU15, 1997-2001 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Agricultural production per capita (indexed to 1999-2001 average) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Troff document Approximate greenhouse gas emissions across different modes of transport 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Change in total acidifying substance emissions since 1990 compared with the 2010 targets, EU15 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
Figure Mean of daily summer maximum concentration of ozone 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:37 AM Published
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