

Emission reductions for dust, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide from large combustion plants in the EU-27

Figure Created 26 May 2021 Published 01 Jun 2021 Last modified 01 Jun 2021
1 min read
Reduction of emissions from large combustion plants since 2004, the first year with reported data, across the three reportable pollutants under the Directive on Large Combustion Plants and its successor, the Directive on industrial emissions. Data are for large combustion plants covered by the Large Combustion Plants Directive (until 2015) and the Industrial Emissions Directive (as from 2016). Data from Croatia are only available as of 2009, while its influence in the overall EU-27 numbers is negligible. Data as of 2016 include a small number of additional plants, due to changes in the scope of reporting, so emissions are not fully comparable before and after 2016. Data were processed to remove outliers and gap-fill missing data.
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