

Circular material use rate under different exploratory scenarios.

Figure Created 24 Apr 2023 Published 17 May 2023 Last modified 14 Jun 2023
1 min read
The historical trend in the Circular Material Use Rate (CMUR) indicator is presented, together with the results of different exploratory scenarios. The analysis of the changes to waste and material flows only provides a first ‘back of the envelope’ estimate of how the CMUR might change (assuming other parameters remain constant), without implementing a full mass-balancing exercise. The effect of selected (isolated) variations in the underlying parameters of the CMUR indicator should be interpreted as exploratory scenario results. The ambition of the Circular economy action plan of doubling the CMUR within the next decade is understood as moving from a CMUR of 11.7% in 2020 – the year of the adoption of the Action Plan – to 23.4% in 2030 for the EU-27 as a whole.
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