

93.2 percentile of O3 maximum daily 8-hours mean in 2015

Figure Created 28 Aug 2017 Published 12 Oct 2017 Last modified 15 Aug 2018
1 min read
Observed concentrations of O3 in 2015. The map shows the 93.2 percentile of the O3 maximum daily 8-hour mean, representing the 26th highest value in a complete series. It is related to the O3 target value, allowing 25 exceedances over the 120-μg/m3 threshold. At sites marked with red and dark-red dots, the 26th highest daily O3 concentration exceeded the 120-μg/m3 threshold, implying an exceedance of the target value threshold. Only stations with more than 75 % of valid data have been included in the map.
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