
Data table via SPARQL

Citrus - JRC WREI004

Data table via SPARQL Published 25 Jul 2014 Last modified 29 Jan 2016

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ugeo crop ef_oluaareg ef_poirrig jrc_irrigation MIO_PPS PROD_PP ratio_of_irrigated_area economic_output ratio_pps economic_output_pps ecwp wui
"EL" "citrus" "42770"^^<> "40680"^^<> "1382589048"^^<> "287"^^<> "263"^^<> "95.1"^^<> "250148235"^^<> "109.125475285171102661"^^<> "272975450.08183306055238671966"^^<> "0.2"^^<> "5.06"^^<>
"ES" "citrus" "287570"^^<> "302360"^^<> "42736276448"^^<> "2216"^^<> "2083"^^<> "105.1"^^<> "2190130681"^^<> "106.385021603456553048"^^<> "2329970998.36561532842243746148"^^<> "0.05"^^<> "18.34"^^<>
"FR" "citrus" "4120"^^<> "2190"^^<> "94592000"^^<> "17"^^<> "19"^^<> "53.2"^^<> "10099515"^^<> "89.473684210526315789"^^<> "9036407.76699029126201216019"^^<> "0.1"^^<> "10.47"^^<>
"IT" "citrus" "128920"^^<> "112960"^^<> "11644746564"^^<> "1309"^^<> "1338"^^<> "87.6"^^<> "1172358672"^^<> "97.832585949177877428"^^<> "1146948805.46075085322897393732"^^<> "0.1"^^<> "10.15"^^<>
"PT" "citrus" "16930"^^<> "15150"^^<> "3520035085"^^<> "147"^^<> "122"^^<> "89.5"^^<> "109173066"^^<> "120.49180327868852459"^^<> "131544595.39279385705829102776"^^<> "0.04"^^<> "26.76"^^<>

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For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <>
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <>
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX indic_ag: <>
PREFIX itm_newa: <>
PREFIX indic_ef: <>
PREFIX irrig: <> 
PREFIX agrarea: <>
PREFIX geo: <> 
PREFIX tableFile: <> 
PREFIX jrc_irrigation: <>

'citrus' as ?crop
sum(?ef_oluaareg) as ?ef_oluaareg
sum(?ef_poirrig) as ?ef_poirrig
sum(?jrc_irrigation) as ?jrc_irrigation
sum(?MIO_PPS) as ?MIO_PPS
sum(?PROD_PP) as ?PROD_PP
round((sum(?ef_poirrig)/sum(?ef_oluaareg))*1000)/10.0 as ?ratio_of_irrigated_area
round(( (sum(?ef_poirrig)/sum(?ef_oluaareg))*sum(?PROD_PP) )*1000000) as ?economic_output 
(sum(?MIO_PPS) / sum(?PROD_PP) )*100 as ?ratio_pps
(( (sum(?ef_poirrig)/sum(?ef_oluaareg))*sum(?PROD_PP) )*1000000 * (sum(?MIO_PPS) / sum(?PROD_PP) )) as ?economic_output_pps
round( ( ( (sum(?MIO_PPS) / sum(?PROD_PP) )*100 ) * round(( (sum(?ef_poirrig)/sum(?ef_oluaareg))*sum(?PROD_PP) )*100) ) / ( sum(?jrc_irrigation) )*10000)/100.0 as ?ecwp
round(( sum(?jrc_irrigation) / ( ( (sum(?MIO_PPS) / sum(?PROD_PP) )*100 ) * round(( (sum(?ef_poirrig)/sum(?ef_oluaareg))*sum(?PROD_PP) )*1000000) ) )*10000)/100.0 as ?wui

        GRAPH <>  
         _:aact_eaa01 sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
         _:aact_eaa01 sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
           _:aact_eaa01 sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIO_EUR .
           _:aact_eaa01 property:indic_ag indic_ag:PROD_PP .
           _:aact_eaa01 property:itm_newa itm_newa:06200 .
           _:aact_eaa01 sdmx-measure:obsValue ?PROD_PP .
         } UNION {
           _:aact_eaa01 sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIO_PPS .
           _:aact_eaa01 property:indic_ag indic_ag:PROD_PP .
           _:aact_eaa01 property:itm_newa itm_newa:06200 .
           _:aact_eaa01 sdmx-measure:obsValue ?MIO_PPS . 
      } UNION {
        GRAPH <>  
          _:ef_oluaareg sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
          _:ef_oluaareg sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
          _:ef_oluaareg property:indic_ef indic_ef:B_4_2_HA .
          _:ef_oluaareg property:agrarea agrarea:TOTAL .
          _:ef_oluaareg sdmx-measure:obsValue ?ef_oluaareg .
      } UNION {
        GRAPH <>  
          _:ef_poirrig sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
          _:ef_poirrig sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
          _:ef_poirrig property:irrig irrig:TOTAL .
          _:ef_poirrig property:indic_ef indic_ef:M_8_1_2_14_HA .
          _:ef_poirrig sdmx-measure:obsValue ?ef_poirrig .
      } UNION {
         GRAPH <>  
          _:jrc_irrigation jrc_irrigation:DATE ?date .
          #_:jrc_irrigation jrc_irrigation:NUTS2_ID ?ugeo .
          _:jrc_irrigation jrc_irrigation:COUNTRY ?ugeo.
          _:jrc_irrigation jrc_irrigation:jrc_crop 'CITR' .
          _:jrc_irrigation jrc_irrigation:value ?jrc_irrigation .
    ?geo skos:notation ?ugeo .
    FILTER (year(?date) = 2010)
GROUP BY str(?ugeo)
HAVING sum(?ef_oluaareg) > 0 and sum(?MIO_PPS) > 0 and sum(?PROD_PP) > 0 and sum(?ef_poirrig) > 0 and sum(?jrc_irrigation) > 0
ORDER BY ?ugeo


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