
Data Visualization

Premature deaths in the EU-27 due to PM₂.₅ levels above the 2021 WHO guidelines and distance to the zero-pollution target, 2005-2020

Data Visualization Created 05 Oct 2022 Last modified 15 Nov 2022
1 min read
The figure shows the premature deaths attributed to long-term exposure to PM2.5 above the 2021 WHO guideline level in EU-27 in the period 2005-2020. The linear trend of that time series and the estimated year by which the Zero Pollution Action Plan target (by 2030, minimum 55% reduction of the premature deaths occurred in 2005) would be met if the premature deaths are reduced following that linear trend.

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The continue line shows the number of premature deaths attributed to exposure to PM2.5, in the period 2005-2020.
The dotted line shows the estimation of the evolution in the number of premature deaths attributed to PM2.5 assuming a linear trend in the time series 2005-2020.
The horizontal line represents the Zero Pollution Action Plan (ZPAP) target for 2030: 55% of the premature deaths in 2005. The 2030 ZPAP target would be attained in 2026, when the horizontal and dotted lines cross.

The number of premature deaths have been calculated according to methodology described in EEA´s briefing Assessing the risks to health from air pollution ( and ETC/ATNI Eionet report 13/2019 ( The updatted methodology is published in the forthcoming ETC-EH Eionet report 2022/10.

Data sources

Air Quality Health Risk Assessments provided by European Environment Agency (EEA)

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