
Data Visualization

Percentage of urban population resident in areas where pollutant concentrations are higher than selected limit/target values

Data Visualization Created 15 Oct 2013 Published 16 Oct 2013 Last modified 06 May 2015
1 min read
This page was archived on 20 Nov 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/figures/percentage-of-urban-population-resident-in-areas-where-pollutant-concentrations-are-higher-than-selected-limit-target-values-eea-member-countries-3 was published)
The rationale for selection of pollutant and corresponding limit/target values for CSI 004 is given in the justification for indicator selection. Only urban and sub-urban background monitoring stations have been included in the calculations. Data for Cyprus, Greece and Malta, are not included due to the geographical coverage of the Urban Audit.

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