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Data Visualization Drought impact area during 2022 in comparison to the 2000-2020 average drought impact, in % of the country territory (EEA-38 region) 1 KB 27 Jun 2024, 01:37 PM Published
Data Visualization Annual area of drought impact on vegetation productivity for 2000-2022, EU-27 (km²) 1 KB 26 Jun 2024, 10:33 AM Published
Data Visualization Greenhouse gas emissions from transport in the EU, by transport mode and scenario 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:27 PM Published
Data Visualization Economic losses and fatalities caused by weather - and climate - related extreme events (1980-2022) - per country 1 KB 09 Oct 2023, 09:32 PM Published
Data Visualization Forest fragmentation classes in the EU Member States 1 KB 08 Nov 2023, 01:04 PM Published
Data Visualization EU agricultural emissions by source and projected emissions 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:30 PM Published
Data Visualization Groundwater nitrate 2000-2021 1 KB 09 Oct 2023, 03:03 PM Published
Data Visualization Agricultural emissions and projected emissions by EU Member State 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:30 PM Published
Data Visualization Average greenhouse gas intensity reduction of road transport fuels in Member States, between 2010-2021 1 KB 10 Sep 2024, 04:17 PM Published
Data Visualization EU emissions and removals of the LULUCF sector by main land use category 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:24 PM Published
Data Visualization Premature deaths attributable to exposure to fine particulate matter, EU 1 KB 24 Nov 2023, 12:01 PM Published
Data Visualization Premature deaths attributable to exposure to PM₂.₅ at country level in 2005 and 2021 1 KB 24 Nov 2023, 12:01 PM Published
Data Visualization Nitrate in Groundwater - Nitrates Directive reporting period 7 (2016-2019) 1 KB 09 Oct 2023, 03:03 PM Published
Data Visualization Comparison of cumulative historical and projected Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) emissions and removals per Member State 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:24 PM Published
Data Visualization National progress towards greenhouse gas emission targets under the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:31 PM Published
Data Visualization Historical and projected emissions from stationary installations covered by the EU Emissions Trading System in the European Economic Area 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:27 PM Published
Data Visualization Greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in buildings by country 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:31 PM Published
Data Visualization Greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in buildings in Europe 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:31 PM Published
Data Visualization Greenhouse gas emissions from transport in Europe 1 KB 25 Oct 2023, 01:27 PM Published
Data Visualization Eutrophication caused by atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe 1 KB 29 Nov 2023, 03:05 PM Published
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