

CSI014 land take indicator


text/csv icon Fig. 2 Annual land take by several types of human activity (2000-2006) - DAVIZ.csv — text/csv, 1 KB (1389 bytes)

File contents

country	Land uptake by housing, services and recreation (ha/year):number	Land uptake by industrial and commercial sites (ha/year):number	Land uptake by transport and infrastructures (ha/year):number	Land uptake by mines, quarries and dump sites (ha/year):number	Land uptake by construction (ha/year):number
Albania	4093	131	61	11	0
Austria	843	114	76	152	112
Belgium	122	186	32	67	161
Bosnia and Herzegovina	923	83	5	152	30
Bulgaria	164	65	24	341	90
Croatia	161	85	868	104	240
Cyprus	1363	190	4	43	55
Czech Republic	958	381	42	336	267
Denmark	1181	227	31	131	134
Estonia	284	62	22	250	34
Finland	991	113	51	198	202
France	6672	3063	738	1479	1231
Germany	5676	1478	277	2370	636
Hungary	714	262	166	460	805
Iceland	416	175	32	23	406
Ireland	2013	188	279	209	354
Italy	2773	2891	371	657	570
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99)	143	15	0	9	0
Latvia	40	14	9	43	20
Lithuania	88	34	33	87	192
Luxembourg	25	23	11	4	0
Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Rep	176	43	2	164	35
Malta	0	0	0	1	0
Montenegro	13	0	0	15	17
Netherlands	2217	796	181	125	2535
Norway	931	160	33	86	71
Poland	784	368	521	830	484
Portugal	1910	396	622	263	907
Romania	789	295	16	183	137
Serbia	269	50	4	347	1
Slovakia	117	177	0	31	161
Slovenia	24	8	23	15	68
Spain	5576	2310	2145	1927	9422
Sweden	1232	256	394	254	522
Switzerland	60	18	0	34	36
Turkey	1233	1159	268	1470	2364
United Kingdom	2044	623	58	880	247
EEA38 (total)	47015	16434	7394	13750	22542


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