

communities 201503201131


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File contents

"Hold Danmark Rent","","DK",Ups..! Mange af os kan godt finde på at smide lidt affald på gaden eller i naturen. Bare lidt. Og kun en gang imellem. Det vil Hold Danmark Rent gerne lave om på.
"Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia","","SI",NULL
"Surfrider Foundation Europe","","ES",Raise the awareness about the problem of marine litter, by organizing events for collecting waste on beaches, at lakes, rivers and the ocean floors
"PERSEUS@School ","","GR",
"Surfers Against Sewage","","UK",Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) is an environmental charity protecting the UK’s oceans, waves and beaches for all to enjoy safely and sustainably, via community action, campaigning, volunteering, conservation, education and scientific research.
"Surfrider Foundation Holland","","NL",NULL
"UK Marine Conservation Society","","UK",NULL
"Let's do it Italy","","IT",
"Clean Coasts","","",
"Portuguese Association for Marine Litter - APLM","","PT",Facebook:
"Aarhus University, Denmark ","","dk",Reporting beach litter data from marine litter surveys in Denmark and Arctic
"Athens Goulandri Natural History Museum","","GR",
"DeFishGear - Slovenia","","SI",Marine litter poses a major threat to marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea due to its environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts.
"Forth Estuary Forum ","","UK",
"Stichting De Noordzee the Netherlands","","NL",NULL
"Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation","","GR",Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation is a Greek non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to researching and defending the biodiversity of the Greek seas and islands.
"Håll Sverige Rent","","SE",
"Keep Sweden Tidy","","SE",The Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation is a creator of public opinion that promotes recycling and combats litter through public awareness campaigns, awards and environmental education. 
"Archipelagos","Http://","GR",Regulat clean-up around Samos Island and other islands in Greece
"Black Sea NGO Network","","",
"eXXpedition","","",All female sailing expedition on a scientific and advocacy mission across the Atlantic to work on plastics and toxics in the environment


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