
Local files

List of data files uploaded locally on this server by Eionet members
File PDF document Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2002 and inventory report 2004 — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex VII — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex VIII — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex XI Italy MS CRF and MS inventory — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex V — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Impacts of Europe's changing climate - full report — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Impacts of Europe's changing climate - presentation about the report — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Impacts of Europe's changing climate - PDA version — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Impacts of Europe's changing climate - summary — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 3 — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 5 — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 6-7 — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 4 — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions trends and projections in Europe 2003 — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 1-2 — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex 4 - GHG inventory data — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Analysis of GHG trends and projections in Europe — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 3 - Summary of EU-15 greenhouse gas emission trends and projections — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 1 - Actual and projected greenhouse gas emissions by EU-15 Member States — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex 5 - EU-15 country profiles — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex 6 - New MS country profiles — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 2 - Actual and projected greenhouse gas emissions by the new EU Member States — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex A - Data availability — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex E - European community NEC emission data — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex D - Data availability note — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex C - European community lrtap emission data — 18 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex B - Status reports — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annual European Community CLRTAP emission inventory 1990-2002 — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document CORRIGENDUM As per March 17, 2004 — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Air pollution by ozone in Europe in summer 2003 — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Topic Report 2/2003 [Part B] — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Topic Report 2/2003 [Part A] — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Hazardous substances in the European marine environment - Trends in metals and persistent organic pollutants — 18 Dec 2008
File PDF document Eutrophication in Europes coastal waters; Topic Report No. 7, 2001 — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Topic Report 7 - Annex Part 1 — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Topic Report 7 - Annex Part 2 — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Topic Report 7 - Summary — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Info sheet — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document European Community and Member States greenhouse gas emission trends 1990-99 — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Part 1: Contents, summary, introduction — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Part 4: Impact of air pollution and measures taken in the Phare countries — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Part 6: Annex A. Air quality networks and data flow — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Part 3 [a]: Air quality in the Phare countries — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Part 7: List of tables, list of figures, references — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Part 3 [b]: Air quality in the Phare countries — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Topic Report 16 - FULL REPORT (N.B. Large file!) — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Part 2: Driving forces and pressures — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Part 5: Conclusions and recommendations — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document TopicReportNo09-1996.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document 9706.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 4 pt3a — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 4 pt1a — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 1b — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Recommendations for Revised Data Systems for Air Emission Inventories — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 1c — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 1a — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 4 pt1b — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex 2a — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Fig. 3 — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Fig. 1 — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft PowerPoint presentation Fig. 2 — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Water resources problems in Southern Europe — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Volume I — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Volume II — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group07.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group10.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group05.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group06.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group02.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document partc.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group_uncovered.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group09.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group04.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group03.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive b851data1 — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group01.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document partb.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group08.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document group11.pdf — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Clarification No 2 EEA-IEA-09-002 24 06 2009.pdf — 24 Jun 2009
File PDF document Service_contract_Contract_award_134154-2009_EN.pdf — 18 May 2009
File PDF document Service_contract_Contract_award_134153-2009_EN.pdf — 18 May 2009
File PDF document Annex 3.1_Daily allowances for countries outside EU.pdf — 19 Mar 2010
File x-conference/x-cooltalk Contract notice — 23 Nov 2010
File PDF document Clarification No 1 EEA-IEA-09-001.pdf — 29 Jun 2009
File Service contract Contract notice 046011-2009 — 17 Feb 2009
File Troff document Annex 2 to TS Identification sheet — 23 Nov 2010
File Clarification No 1 EEA-OSE-09-005 — 06 Apr 2009
File Background note
File Shockwave Flash file eea_anim.swf
File Shockwave Flash file eea_frame.swf
File Shockwave Flash file eea_logofull.swf
File Octet Stream Agenda
File text/texmacs Summary of EEA land ecosystem accounts
File PDF document EEA under Kulturnatten
File PDF document Film review
File GIF image Positive
File JPEG image Image: AIR
File EEA Strategy 2004-2008
File PDF document EIONET dataflow


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