
Local files

List of data files uploaded locally on this server by Eionet members
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 15 Sep 2014
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_111.svg — 15 Sep 2014
File x-conference/x-cooltalk Contract award notice — 09 Apr 2021
File Troff document The Netherlands waste prevention fact sheet 2016 — 14 Nov 2016
File Annex 2 to TS - Declaration on exclusion criteria — 11 May 2012
File Troff document Annex 6 to TS - Draft framework and specific contracts — 11 May 2012
File Microsoft Word (Office 2010) Annex 2 to TS Declaration on exclusion criteria FINAL 221112 — 05 Dec 2012
File Annex 1.6 CRF Tables Industrial processes — 29 May 2013
File Annex 1.10 CRF Tables Waste — 29 May 2013
File Annex 2.2 CRF tables — 29 May 2013
File Annex 2.6 CRF Tables Industrial processes — 29 May 2013
File Annex 2.8 CRF Tables Agriculture — 29 May 2013
File Annex 2.10 CRF Tables Waste — 29 May 2013
File Annex 2.11 CRF Table 10 — 29 May 2013
File Clarification No 3 — 03 Feb 2015
File Annex 1 to TS - Tender submission form — 11 May 2012
File Tables with external costs of HGV for large urban zones (LUZ) — 28 Feb 2013
File Invitation to tender — 01 May 2011
File ZIP archive Annex 1.6: CRF tables industrial — 31 May 2011
File ZIP archive Annex 1.9: CRF tables — 31 May 2011
File ZIP archive Annex 1.11: CRF table — 31 May 2011
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex 2.1: key category analysis.xls — 31 May 2011
File ZIP archive Annex 2.3: status — 31 May 2011
File ZIP archive Annex 2.13: EU SEF — 31 May 2011
File text/texmacs Annex 7 to the TS — 01 Sep 2011
File Tender specifications — 22 May 2011
File Annex 5 to TS Price quotation — 22 May 2011
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_11.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_111.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_112.svg
File Corrigendum - EEA Report No 12/2012 — 13 Dec 2012
File PDF document Annex 7 to TS - Reimbursement of travel expenses (EEA/SES/12/003) — 20 Dec 2012
File PDF document Annex I - Tender specifications (EEA/OSE/12/008) — 20 Dec 2012
File Microsoft Word (Office 2010) Annex 2 to TS - Declaration on exclusion criteria 13.12.12 (EEA/OSE/12/008) — 20 Dec 2012
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_11.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_12.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_12.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_21.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_6.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_7.svg
File chemical/x-pdb Technical_background_document — 24 Oct 2023
File scalable SVG image chart_2.svg
File application/x-troff-ms 04-Drought impact on ecosystems in Europe-indicator — 18 Dec 2023
File 06-Waste generation in Europe-indicator — 18 Dec 2023
File D source code 16-Share of buses and trains in inland passenger transport-indicator — 18 Dec 2023
File 22-Eco-innovation index-indicator — 18 Dec 2023
File 24-Water scarcity conditions in Europe (Water exploitation index plus)-indicator — 18 Dec 2023
File 26-Employment in the environmental goods and services sector-indicator — 18 Dec 2023
File Enterprise Architect Project Compilation of the 8th EAP headline indicators — 18 Dec 2023
File 8th EAP 2023 scoreboard table — 18 Dec 2023
File D source code Chapter 4 - Zero pollution and a toxic-free environment — 18 Dec 2023
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File 1.A.3.b.v Gasoline evaporation 2018 — 30 Sep 2016
File chemical/x-mdl-rdfile EEA/ADS/20/017 Record of opening of submissions — 06 Jan 2021
File Albania - Municipal waste factsheet 2021 — 10 Nov 2021
File Bosnia and Herzegovina - Municipal waste factsheet 2021 — 10 Nov 2021
File Kosovo - Municipal waste factsheet 2021 — 10 Nov 2021
File North Macedonia - Municipal waste factsheet 2021 — 10 Nov 2021
File Montenegro - Municipal waste factsheet 2021 — 10 Nov 2021
File Serbia - Municipal waste factsheet 2021 — 10 Nov 2021
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File Annex G: Data on large point sources (LPS) — 30 Jul 2012
File text/texmacs Record of opening of tenders - extracts — 09 Aug 2013
File PDF document action-download-pdf
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File Troff document Annex 6 to TS - Draft Framework contract + specific contract — 01 Feb 2015
File Annex 8 to TS - Sample tasks for events - exhibitions — 01 Feb 2015
File PDF document FULL REPORT - Approximated EU GHG inventory 2013 — 28 Oct 2014
File Microsoft Word (Office 2010) Annex 1 to TS - Tender submission form 13.12.12 (EEA/OSE/12/008) — 20 Dec 2012
File PDF document Annex 3 to TS - Legal entity form (EEA/OSE/12/008) — 20 Dec 2012
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_311.svg
File Microsoft Word (Office 2010) Annex 2 to TS - Declaration on exclusion criteria final 06.12.12 (EEA/SES/12/003) — 20 Dec 2012
File Microsoft Word (Office 2010) Annex 1 to TS - Tender submission form final 06.12.12 (EEA/SES/12/003) — 20 Dec 2012
File Troff document Annex 6 to TS - Draft framework contract and order form (EEA/SES/12/003) — 20 Dec 2012
File PDF document Clarification No 1 to TS (EEA/SES/12/003) — 21 Jan 2013
File Troff document Estonia waste prevention fact sheet 2016 — 16 Dec 2016
File Iceland fact sheet waste prevention 2016 — 07 Dec 2016
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_111.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File chemical/x-pdb Macedonia (FYR) - municipal waste management — 19 Nov 2013
File EEA/ADS/15/004 Maintenance service of kitchen equipment incl. repair services — 14 Apr 2015
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_11.svg
File Annex E: Projections submitted by Member States — 18 Jul 2016
File EEA/IDM/CEI/15/008 - Annex 1 to ToR: Application form Consortium — 18 May 2015
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 10 Jun 2015
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File Self-assessment surveys from countries — 14 Oct 2014
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 13 Oct 2014
File Troff document REPORT on the annual accounts of the European Environment Agency for the financial year 2010, together with the Agency’s reply — 01 Feb 2012
File scalable SVG image chart_2.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File object code A full description of two case studies — 04 May 2016
File 1.A.3.c Railways — 29 Aug 2013
File 1.A.3.a Aviation — 29 Aug 2013


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