

Landscape fragmentation indicator effective mesh density (seff) - major and medium anthrophogenic fragmentation (FGA2_S_2016)

Prod-ID: DAT-222-en
Created 18 Dec 2017 Published 06 May 2019 Last modified 03 Sep 2021
1 min read
The raster file is the basis of the indicator for assessing landscape fragmentation due to urban and transport expansion. The computation is based on the method of Effective Mesh Density (seff). The Effective Mesh Density (seff) is a measure of landscape fragmentation, i.e. the degree to which movement between different parts of the landscape is interrupted by a Fragmentation Geometry (FG). FGs are defined as the presence of impervious surfaces and traffic infrastructure. The Effective Mesh Density gives the effective number of meshes (or landscape patches) per 1000 km2, in other words, the density of the meshes. The more FGs fragment the landscape, the higher the effective mesh density. The seff values are reported within the 1km sq regular LEAC grid.
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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
Data Table Landscape fragmentation Effective Mesh Density 1 KB 19 Jun 2019, 09:57 AM Published