
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Effect of temperature on food poisoning — 07 Nov 2011
The relationship between environmental temperature and reported Salmonella infections in 10 European populations. Data on laboratory-confirmed cases of Salmonella infection were obtained from national surveillance centres in the Czech Republic, Denmark, England and Wales, Estonia, The Netherlands, Scotland, Slovak Republic, Poland, Switzerland, and Spain.
External Data Spec Aedes albopictus distribution — 07 Nov 2011
Exotic mosquitoes - distribution maps Exotic mosquitoes - Surveillance maps  
External Data Spec Heat effects on mortality — 07 Nov 2011
Exposure-response functions for 15 cities: Athens, Barcelona, Budapest, Dublin, Helsinki, Ljubljana, London, Milan, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Turin, Valencia, and Zurich. Population size and percentage of elderly (≤75 years). 
External Data Spec EFFIS data — 07 Nov 2011
The European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) supports the services in charge of the protection of forests against fires in the EU countries and provides the European Commission services and the European Parliament with updated and reliable information on wildland fires in Europe.  
External Data Spec Change of habitat suitability coverage of European Forest Categories — 04 Nov 2011
The potential distribution of forest tree species is modeled using machine learning CART (classification and regression tree analysis) and Random Forest (RF) algorithms. Maps corresponding to RFregression and RF classification algorithms are available for download with further description on this website. Presence / absence records of the most dominant European tree species are used to process a RF classification in order to predict the presence/ absence of each species and a RF regression to predict continuous values from absence to presence of that species.
External Data Spec Cereal crop impacts versus incremental temperature change — 04 Nov 2011
% yield change by mean local temperature change in degrees C for wheat,maize and rice
External Data Spec Grapevine and climatic change — 04 Nov 2011
Meteorological data recorded since 1972 at the INRA Station in Colmar (Alsace, France). Phenological data recorded on INRA grapevine collections over the same period.
External Data Spec Monitoring Agricultural ResourceS (MARS) — 03 Nov 2011
 For the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Commission needs timely information on the agricultural production to be expected in the current season. This is a main concern of the MARS-project (Monitoring Agricultural ResourceS) of the AGRI4CAST and FOODSEC units of the Directorate General Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission in Ispra (Italy).     Available products include:     Graphs and maps of weather indicators based on observations and numerical weather models     Graphs and maps of crop indicators based on agro-meteorological models     Graphs and maps of vegetation indices and cumulated dry matter based on remote sensing images
External Data Spec Daily Soil Moisture of Europe — 03 Nov 2011
Continuous simulations with the LISFLOOD model within the European Flood Alert System produce daily soil moisture maps of Europe. This information provides an instantaneous image of the current situation of the water content as modelled by LISFLOOD . Meteorological input information is derived from measured and spatially interpolated meteorological point data provided by the MARS-STAT activity of IPSC-JRC (so called JRC-MARS data). Due to the reception via the Global Telecommunication System of WMO and further processing the data are typically one to two days behind the current date. Within EFAS the simulations with JRC-MARS data provide the initial conditions for various simulations in the flood forecasting mode. The spatial resolution of LISFLOOD on the pan-European scale is currently at 5 km.   Information on soil moisture is presented in form of soil suction (pF) values of the top soil layer that commonly range between 1.5 for very wet conditions up to 5.0 for very dry soils. The pF value describes the forces necessary for plants to apply in order to extract water from the soil for their use. It incorporates variations in the water holding capacity of different soil types and thus allows for comparison of the soil water status at different locations throughout Europe.
External Data Spec Soil erosion risk assessment in Europe — 03 Nov 2011
Factors influencing erosion have been graded for the diverse geographical situations existing in Europe and erosion mechanisms have been expressed with the help of experimental and expert-defined empirical rules. Land cover and crust formation on cultivated soils were considered as key factors influencing runoff and erosion risk. A soil geographical database has been created for Europe, and a model of erosion risk has been developed using a Geographical Information System (GIS). The model uses empirical rules to combine data on land use (CORINE Land Cover database), soil crusting susceptibility, soil erodibility (determined by pedotransfer rules from the Soil Geographical Data Base of Europe at scale 1:1 Million), relief (USGS HYDRO1K digital elevation model), and meteorological data at a 1 x 1 k m pixel size (Space Applications Institute, Ispra Joint Research Center). Spatial units for the presentation of results are defined using either administrative units or watershed catchment units.
External Data Spec National Soils Inventory (NSI) — 03 Nov 2011
National Soil Inventory (NSI) data is a set of point data. NSI data covers England and Wales on a 5 km grid and provides detailed information for each intersect of the grid. Collectively NSI data are statistically representative of England and Wales soils and they offer a valuable foundation for future monitoring of soil quality. The original sampling was from around 1980 and there have been partial resamplings in the mid-1990s. NSI site includes erosion, landuse and lithological information. NSI profile gives a very detailed soil description including stone abundance, root descriptions and boundary information. NSI topsoil gives detailed measurements of over 20 elements from the soils, in addition to pH. NSI textures describes the soil texture. NSI features provides depth data to various layers and includes a flood risk indicator.
External Data Spec Trends in trophically interacting species — 03 Nov 2011
Species specific differences in the reaction to climate change can become particularly important when interacting species are considered. Current studies have evidenced temporal mismatching of interacting species at single points in space, and recently two investigations showed that species interactions are relevant for their future ranges. However, so far we are not aware that the ranges of interacting species may become substantially spatially mismatched. We developed separate ecological-niche models for a monophagous butterfly (Boloria titania) and its larval host plant (Polygonum bistorta) based on monthly interpolated climate data, land-cover classes, and soil data at a 100-grid resolution. We show that all of three chosen global-change scenarios, which cover a broad range of potential developments in demography, socio-economics, and technology during the 21st century from moderate to intermediate to maximum change, will result in a pronounced spatial mismatch between future niche spaces of these species.
External Data Spec D source code Trends in avian breeding and migration in Europe — 03 Nov 2011
In this study we aim to show how laying dates for a long-distance migrant, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), and a short-distance migrant, the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), have changed over their European breeding grounds during the last 25 yr.
External Data Spec Emission factors for treatment of kitchen and garden waste — 03 Nov 2011
Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH
External Data Spec Troff document Environmental accounts (Eurostat) — 03 Nov 2011
Environmental Accounts (EA) track the links between the environment and the economy at EU, national, regional and industry level.
External Data Spec European phenological data platform for climatological applications — 02 Nov 2011
COST action 725 ‘Establishing a European phenological data platform for climatological applications’ comprising all phenological records digitally available at present. It included entire phenological networks of 11 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Russia (provided by the 5FP project POSITIVE)), five specialists networks (Finland, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom) and the network of the International Phenological Gardens in Europe (http://www.agrar.huberlin. de/pflanzenbau/agrarmet/ipg_en.html), spreading over 14 countries including, in addition to countries named above, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland and Macedonia. In total, phenological trends of 542 plant species in 21 countries (125 628 time series) and 19 animal species in three countries (301 time series) were analysed. The phenophases of wild plants, fruit trees and agricultural crops were assigned to a BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and CHemical Industry) code (Meier, 1997) and grouped either by BBCH code or BBCH subgroups (principal growth stages). If applicable, agricultural and natural phases were treated separately. Annual mean onset dates for nine countries (Austria, Belarus/northern Russia, Estonia, Czech Republic,Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine/southern Russia), comprising 254 records (phenophases countries) of 101 years, however, mostly covering the total period 1951–1999, were available for the quantitative assessment of temperature responses.  
External Data Spec Changes in distribution of Ilex aquifolium — 02 Nov 2011
Reanalysis of both biogeographic and bioclimatic data of equal spatiotemporal resolution, covering a time span of more than 50 years.   In this paper, we compare both detailed historic climatic and biogeographic records with updates of the same parameters at the same localities in the northern fringe area of the distribution of Ilex aquifolium, applying the same methodology as used in the original study ( Iversen 1944 ). We also compare our field data to predictions from simulations of Ilex distributions using a purely climate-driven bioclimatic model. Our aim is, therefore, to verify whether a potential shift in the local and regional distribution of a species is in synchrony with concurrent changes in climatic data on the same spatio-temporal resolution. Mean temperature values for the warmest and coldest month for a subset of climate stations used by Iversen (1944) and updated for the period 1971 – 2000.  
External Data Spec Natuurindicatoren — 02 Nov 2011
  Number of observations of dragonflies of southern Europe by year.  
External Data Spec Summer heatwaves promote blooms of harmful cyanobacteria — 02 Nov 2011
A coupled biological–physical model investigating how competition for light between buoyant cyanobacteria, diatoms, and green algae in eutrophic lakes is affected by the meteorological conditions of this extreme summer heatwave. The model consists of a phytoplankton competition model coupled to a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model, driven by meteorological data.
External Data Spec Biological Records Centre — 02 Nov 2011
The Biological Records Centre (BRC), established in 1964, is the national focus in the UK for terrestrial and freshwater species recording (other than birds). It works with the voluntary recording community throughout Britain and Ireland. The BRC database contains over 15 million records of more than 12000 species. BRC is the national custodian of data on the distribution of wildlife in the British Isles.


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