
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Fuel Quality Monitoring — 22 Mar 2012
Directives 98/70/EC and 2003/17/EC require to monitor the quality of fuels in Member States. For this purpose Member States have to deliver data in accordance with Commission Decision 2002/159. The information is summarised in annual reports.
External Data Spec Troff document Participants in the UN Global Compact — 22 Mar 2012
The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By doing so, business, as a primary driver of globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.  The Global Compact exists to assist the private sector in the management of increasingly complex risks and opportunities in the environmental, social and governance realms, seeking to embed markets and societies with universal principles and values for the benefit of all.
External Data Spec D source code Number of ISO 14001 certified companies in Europe — 22 Mar 2012
Number of ISO 14001 certified companies in European countries
External Data Spec Sustainable and Responsible Investments (SRI) in Europe — 20 Mar 2012
Data on "Core" and "Broad" Sustainable and Responsible Investments in Europe (billion/€) in 2002, 2005, 2007 and 2009. These data are sourced directly from Eurosif publications (European SRI Study, editions 2003, 2006, 2008 and 2010.
External Data Spec Octet Stream Gross economic output data (EU KLEMS) — 19 Mar 2012
Gross economic output data (total NACE industries) from EU KLEMS
External Data Spec Material flow data (DMI and TMR) — 19 Mar 2012
Material flow data (DMI and TMR) from Wuppertal Institute
External Data Spec text/texmacs Air emissions accounts (Eurostat) — 19 Mar 2012
Air Emissions Accounts by activity (NACE industries and households)  (env_ac_ainacehh)
External Data Spec vCalendar interchange file Food security statistics — 19 Mar 2012
Food security indicators by country
External Data Spec vCalendar interchange file Food statistics (Eurostat) — 19 Mar 2012
The statistics presented here have been gathered together from various places on Eurostat's website. They have the following features:  Only statistics providing information on food products and the food sector and relevant for food safety purposes are included − for example, only imports from countries outside the EU are presented.  The data are presented in terms of volume rather than value.  The data include "products with distinctive marks", such those derived from:  Organic farming, g enetically modified organisms (GMO)
External Data Spec Performance of passenger transport (pkm) — 19 Mar 2012
Performance of Passenger Transport expressed in passenger-kilometres.
External Data Spec Patents in environment-related technologies — 19 Mar 2012
Patent search strategies for various areas of ‘environmental’ technologies have been developed at OECD and have been used to produce the dataset. EPO patent counts are based on data received from the European Patent Office. 
External Data Spec STOXX indexes — 19 Mar 2012
STOXX indices are divided into categories to provide market participants with optimal transparency and easy allocation for a rapidly growing product range. The categories are: STOXX Standard indices, iSTOXX, STOXX+ and Customized indices. The first category, the STOXX Standard indices, is a globally consistent family covering all markets and all common index types, such as total market indices and sector, size, style and blue-chip indices. Within this very comprehensive index family, the respective TMI equity universe is broken down logically from top down into sizes, sectors and themes. The rules for calculation, maintenance and selection are the same for all markets and regions without exceptions or hidden rules. This means that the indices can be combined without methodological inconsistencies. This results in a very clear, hierarchical index setup that is easy to understand and offers a broad variety of investable equity indices. 
External Data Spec Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes — 19 Mar 2012
The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes are offered by Dow Jones Indexes in collaboration with SAM. Following a best-in-class approach, the indexes measure the performance of the world's sustainability leaders. Companies are selected for the indexes based on a comprehensive assessment of long-term economic, environmental and social criteria that account for general as well as industry-specific sustainability trends. Only firms that lead their industries based on this assessment are included in the indexes. The indexes are created and maintained according to a systematic methodology, allowing investors to appropriately benchmark sustainability-driven funds and derivatives over the long term. The family includes global and regional broad market indexes, subindexes excluding alcohol, gambling, tobacco, armaments and firearms and/or adult entertainment, and global and regional blue-chip indexes. Listed below are the most widely referenced Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes ℠ . For additional information on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes ℠ , including a full suite of index literature, please visit the official index web site at .
External Data Spec Octet Stream Energy data (Eurostat) — 14 Mar 2012
Output from conventional/public/autoproducer thermal power stations, Output from district heating plants, Origin Biomass, Transformation output from Eurostat
External Data Spec National Footprint Accounts 2010 edition — 12 Mar 2012
Global footprint network national accounts 2010
External Data Spec text/texmacs Signatories to the Aalborg Commitments — 12 Mar 2012
Personal communication by the Aalborg Commitments Secretariat (Contact person: Mr Anders Du Mont-Thygesen).
External Data Spec Ecolabel licenses — 12 Mar 2012
External Data Spec Surface water abstraction, volume ten00005 (Eurostat) — 12 Mar 2012
Short Description: Water abstracted from natural or artificial surface watercourses holding fresh water, such as lakes, rivers, streams, canals etc.  in Millions of cubic meters.
External Data Spec text/texmacs Material flow accounts — 11 Mar 2012
External Data Spec Troff document Euratom Supply Agency - Annual report — 01 Mar 2012
Annual energy report on nuclear fuels


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