

Thünen Institute

Organisation Created 14 Jun 2016
What impact does increasing international competition and the demand for bio energy have on prices for food products? What are the effects of climate change have on agricultural, forest and aquatic ecosystems? What processes would allow the non-food sector to use renewable resources in a more efficient manner? These questions give an impression of the broad of spectrum of #topics they work on. They conduct research for policy makers and the society. They provide political decision makers with scientifically-based decision-making aids on the basis of our own research results. They take a long-term approach to research and continually carry out monitoring activities. This allows them to obtain valuable statistical series. Moreover, they can call on professional expertise at any time. They represent German interests in international scientific commissions and bodies. Results of their work flow into guidelines and standards as well as into regulations and legislation. Their work contributes to securing the sustainable use of natural resources, serves economic development, and ensures the quality of life for our society.
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