

Directorate-General Internal Policies of the Union

Organisation Created 11 Dec 2012
The Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union is responsible for organising the work of Parliament's committees in the field of internal policies and contributing to the exercise and development of the legislative and control powers of the European Parliament. Its main tasks are: ensuring the smooth running of the legislative and non-legislative activities of parliamentary committees in the field of internal policies, primarily by providing a secretariat for 17 committees and 1 temporary committee coordinating Parliament's legislative activities, mainly through the Conference of Committee Chairs; supporting committee members, particularly the committee Chairs and rapporteurs, in the exercise of their duties providing the committees, other parliamentary bodies and the President's Office with briefings, background notes and long-term studies on all aspects of Parliament's activities in the field of internal policies helping the committees to develop their work programmes in close cooperation with the Commission and Council promoting and coordinating all activities relating to better law-making in Parliament
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