
New registrations of electric vehicles in Europe

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Climate action
Descriptive indicator (Type A - What is happening to the environment and to humans?)
Driving forces
Supporting information
[{"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Methodology for indicator calculation"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The number of electric vehicles (BEVs and PHEVS) as a proportion of the total vehicle fleet for each vehicle type (passenger cars, light commercial vehicles) is calculated by dividing the number of electric vehicles by the total fleet for each vehicle type."}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/api/SITE/data-and-maps/data/co2-cars-emission-22", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/api/SITE/data-and-maps/data/co2-cars-emission-22", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Monitoring of CO2 emissions from passenger cars \u2013 Regulation (EU) 2019/631"}]}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "This indicator provides information on electric vehicle numbers, both in absolute terms and as a proportion of total new vehicle registrations. Two types of electric vehicle are included in the indicator: battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). BEVs are powered solely by an electric motor, using electricity stored in an on-board battery. The battery must be charged at a charging point connected to the local electricity grid. PHEVs are powered by an electric motor and an internal combustion engine designed to work either together or separately. The on-board battery can be charged from the grid and the combustion engine can support the electric motor when higher operating power is required or when battery charge is low."}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Number of electric cars and share of electric cars (%);"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Percentage of passenger cars registered"}]}]
[{"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Justification for indicator selection"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Increasingly stringent regulations have resulted in the gradual introduction and promotion of more fuel-efficient, less polluting vehicles. New registrations of electric vehicles are an indirect indication of the level of improvement in road-transport fuel efficiency and pollutant emissions. The overall objective of this specific indicator is to monitor the penetration of electric vehicles in the market and, hence, to be able to estimate progress towards environmental targets."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Context description"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Transport represents almost a quarter of Europe's greenhouse gas emissions. EU legislation sets mandatory emission targets for new cars and for new vans. This has resulted in the gradual improvement of the fuel-efficiency of vehicles, as well as a higher share of zero- and low-emissions vehicles, such as electric vehicles. "}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "New registrations of electic vehicles are an indirect indication of the level of improvement in road-transport fuel efficiency. The overall objective of this specific indicator is to monitor the penetration of electric vehicles in the market and, hence, to be able to estimate progress towards environmental targets."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Targets"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "No target sets until 2025."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The specific CO"}, {"type": "sub", "children": [{"text": "2"}]}, {"text": "\u00a0emission target of a manufacturer (Regulation (EU) 2019/631) will be relaxed if its share of zero or low emitting vehicles registered in a given year exceeds the\u00a015%\u00a0from 2025 on and\u00a035%\u00a0from 2030 on.\u00a0 Please see also indicator TERM017.\u00a0"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Related policy documents"}]}, {"type": "ul", "children": [{"type": "li", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"url": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%253A32019R0631", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%253A32019R0631", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Regulation (EU) 2019/631"}]}, {"text": ". Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 is setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 443/2009 and (EU) No 510/2011. "}]}]}]
[{"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Methodology uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Not available."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Data sets uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "No uncertainty in the dataset."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Rationale uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Not available."}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"url": "https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/instruments/644", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/instruments/644", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "CO2 emissions from passenger cars"}]}]}]
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In Norway, the country where the highest number of electric cars was registered in 2021, BEVs accounted for 65% of new car sales that year. In some other European countries, however, the percentage of BEV registrations remained around 1% of the total fleet (Cyprus, Poland, Czechia and Slovakia). PHEV percentage sales were highest in Iceland (36%), Sweden (25%) and Norway (22%).", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Germany, France and Norway accounted for about 63% of BEV registrations (in the EU-27 and non-EU EEA countries). In Norway, the country where the highest number of electric cars was registered in 2021, BEVs accounted for 65% of new car sales that year. In some other European countries, however, the percentage of BEV registrations remained around 1% of the total fleet (Cyprus, Poland, Czechia and Slovakia). PHEV percentage sales were highest in Iceland (36%), Sweden (25%) and Norway (22%)."}]}]}, "1e31ad0f-3d0b-412d-8d6a-ae7e0fbb8508": {"plaintext": "The leading countries in electric mobility offered, over the years, financial incentives such as tax reductions and exemptions for electric vehicles, designed to stimulate an increased uptake of these vehicles. More countries are increasing the number of incentives for electric mobility.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The leading countries in electric mobility offered, over the years, financial incentives such as tax reductions and exemptions for electric vehicles, designed to stimulate an increased uptake of these vehicles. More countries are increasing the number of incentives for electric mobility."}]}]}, "02ba4a04-fcfe-4968-806f-1dac3119cfef": {"geolocation": [{"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2782113", "label": "Austria"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2802361", "label": "Belgium"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-732800", "label": "Bulgaria"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-3202326", "label": "Croatia"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU25", "EU27", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-146669", "label": "Cyprus"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU25", "EU27", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-3077311", "label": "Czechia"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2623032", "label": "Denmark"}, {"group": 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The highest shares were found in Norway (86%), Iceland (64%), Sweden (46%) and Denmark (35%).", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In 2021, the share of electric vehicles (BEVs and PHEVs) in national new car registrations increased in all countries (EU-27, Iceland, Norway) compared with 2020. The highest shares were found in Norway (86%), Iceland (64%), Sweden (46%) and Denmark (35%)."}]}]}}, "blocks_layout": {"items": ["02ba4a04-fcfe-4968-806f-1dac3119cfef", "334a069c-609c-40bd-abf3-2cb1bec10ece", "69cefe72-1c10-4c12-b1a4-4f45ca0343c0", "1e31ad0f-3d0b-412d-8d6a-ae7e0fbb8508"]}}, "@type": "group", "block": "61237d92-6606-4847-acd8-db348feb9471", "allowedBlocks": ["slate"]}, "07ce931c-d378-49e1-9114-6b90d800d5ff": {"styles": {"style_name": "environment-theme-bg"}, "@layout": "794c9b24-5cd4-4b9f-a0cd-b796aadc86e8", "title": "Content header", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "as": "section", "fixedLayout": true, "disableInnerButtons": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "instructions": {"data": "<p><br/></p>", "content-type": "text/html", "encoding": "utf8"}, "fixed": true, "data": {"blocks": {"ddde07aa-4e48-4475-94bd-e1a517d26eab": {"required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "placeholder": "Indicator title", "@type": "title"}, "9f452ca7-172a-42e0-a699-8df0714c89f8": {"styles": {"align": "full"}, "readOnlySettings": true, "align": "full", "@type": "splitter"}, "12d8c532-f7ad-43fe-ada7-330b2d7a7a39": {"plaintext": "Published: date \u2012 25min read", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"type": "sup", "children": [{"text": "Published: "}, {"type": "mention", "data": {"widget": "datetime", "id": "effective"}, "children": [{"text": "date"}]}, {"text": " \u2012 25min read"}]}, {"text": ""}]}], "readOnly": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "@type": "slate", "instructions": {"data": "<p><br/></p>", "content-type": "text/html", "encoding": "utf8"}}, "ca212ba0-859e-4e67-b610-debe0d498b74": {"ignoreSpaces": true, "fixedLayout": false, "maxChars": "500", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "as": "div", "placeholder": "Summary", "title": "Summary", "disableInnerButtons": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "instructions": {"data": "<p>The summary tells the reader about the indicator trend over the examined period and whether or not it helps to achieve the associated policy objective, which can be either quantitative or directional.</p><p>In the absence of a policy objective, it explains whether the trend is in the right or wrong direction in relation to the issue examined.</p><p>If there has been an important change over the most recent period of the time series, e.g. over the last year, this is indicated too.</p><p>Furthermore, if there is a quantitative target, it also indicates whether we are on track to meet it and if not what are the reasons preventing that, e.g. socio-economic drivers, implementation gap etc.</p>", "content-type": "text/html", "encoding": "utf8"}, "fixed": true, "data": {"blocks": {"0d866f41-5904-43bb-8a83-7d7a83787df0": {"plaintext": "2021 saw a significant increase in the uptake of electric cars and vans in the EU-27. 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More information on the policy objective and related references will be included in the supporting information section. Where there is no policy objective associated with the indicator, i.e. where the indicator addresses an issue that is important for future policy formulation, this text should explain instead why this issue is important.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Explains any mismatch between what the indicator tracks and what the policy objective/issue is.</li><li>Qualifies the historical trend (e.g. steady increase) and explains the key reasons (e.g. policies) behind it. If there is a quantitative target it explains if we are on track to meet it.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Explains any recent changes to the trend and why.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Describes what needs to happen to see adequate progress in future, for instance in order to remain on track to meet targets.</li></ol><p><strong>Please cite your work if</strong> <strong>necessary</strong> <strong>using the EEA citation style (i.e.</strong> <strong>EEA, 2020). A full reference list appears in the supporting information section.</strong></p>", "content-type": "text/html", "encoding": "utf8"}, "fixed": true, "data": {"blocks": {"a2d69fe7-5e87-451f-b9ff-08c6dec3a8b5": {"plaintext": "Electric cars, which include battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), are gradually penetrating the EU market. 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"instructions": {"data": "<p>figure instructions goes here</p>", "content-type": "text/html", "encoding": "utf8"}}, "02acd4af-40db-4f78-8dd7-c6a5b6a6c6f5": {"plaintext": "In 2021 almost 38,000 electric vans were sold in the EU-27, representing 3.1% of the market share and an increase of around 1.0 percentage point from 2020. The majority of electric vans sold were BEVs.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In 2021 almost 38,000 electric vans were sold in the EU-27, representing 3.1% of the market share and an increase of around 1.0 percentage point from 2020. The majority of electric vans sold were BEVs."}]}]}, "d78387d2-43b2-4631-acf4-c9561ac95655": {"plaintext": "The transport sector is among the largest contributors to EU greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, reducing transport emissions is key to meeting the EU\u2019s climate neutrality objectives.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The transport sector is among the largest contributors to EU greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, reducing transport emissions is key to meeting the EU\u2019s climate neutrality objectives."}]}]}, "d3998442-c00e-4398-abe3-847023912923": {"plaintext": "The mass of a BEV stabilised over the last 4 years to an average of 1,600-1,700kg; while PHEVs are slightly heavier, with an average mass of around 1,900kg. In 2021, the average energy consumption of BEVs and PHEVs was around 166Wh/km and 175Wh/km, respectively. In electric mode, the two types can travel 371km (BEVs)and 58km (PHEVs), respectively.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The mass of a BEV stabilised over the last 4 years to an average of 1,600-1,700kg; while PHEVs are slightly heavier, with an average mass of around 1,900kg. In 2021, the average energy consumption of BEVs and PHEVs was around 166Wh/km and 175Wh/km, respectively. In electric mode, the two types can travel 371km (BEVs)and 58km (PHEVs), respectively. "}]}]}, "5ecd405d-5e45-487e-983b-5ae3ddcbfd00": {"plaintext": "Recently proposed legislation sets targets to cut CO 2 emissions from cars by 55% and vans by 50% by 2030 . It also proposes to completely cut emissions from cars and vans by 2035. A significant increase in the uptake of electric vehicles will be needed to achieve these goals.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Recently proposed legislation sets targets to "}, {"type": "zotero", "data": {"footnote": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<div class=\"csl-bib-body\" style=\"line-height: 1.35; \">\n <div class=\"csl-entry\">Fit for 55, (https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/green-deal/eu-plan-for-a-green-transition/) accessed November 30, 2021.</div>\n</div>\n", "zoteroId": "3URSKG9P", "uid": "iFiis", "footnoteTitle": " Fit for 55"}, "children": [{"text": "cut CO"}, {"type": "sub", "children": [{"text": "2"}]}, {"text": " emissions from cars by 55% and vans by 50% by 2030"}]}, {"text": ". It also proposes to completely cut emissions from cars and vans by 2035. A significant increase in the uptake of electric vehicles will be needed to achieve these goals."}]}]}, "ad83216b-d61b-4767-97bb-f67981e841a3": {"plaintext": "Non plug-in hybrid electric cars represented 19% of new registrations in 2021, a 7 percentage point increase since 2020. These vehicles combine a conventional internal combustion engine with an electric propulsion system but are exclusively fuelled by conventional fuels. They are not included in the electric cars data presented.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Non plug-in hybrid electric cars represented 19% of new registrations in 2021, a 7 percentage point increase since 2020. These vehicles combine a conventional internal combustion engine with an electric propulsion system but are exclusively fuelled by conventional fuels. They are not included in the electric cars data presented. "}]}]}, "a9e7853f-5111-4663-93cc-ab27103a6bdd": {"plaintext": "BEVs accounted for 9.0% of total new car registrations in 2021, while PHEVs represented 8.8%.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "BEVs accounted for 9.0% of total new car registrations in 2021, while PHEVs represented 8.8%. "}]}]}, "16fda1c2-f826-4b34-bb49-26fd88480b83": {"plaintext": "Further growth in Europe\u2019s electric vehicle fleet could help the EU meet emissions reduction targets and ensure progress towards its 2050 objective of being climate neutral .", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Further growth in Europe\u2019s electric vehicle fleet could help the EU meet emissions reduction targets and ensure progress towards its 2050 objective of being "}, {"type": "zotero", "data": {"footnote": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<div class=\"csl-bib-body\" style=\"line-height: 1.35; \">\n <div class=\"csl-entry\">EC, 2020, '2050 long-term strategy', <i>European Commission</i> (https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/strategies/2050_en) accessed July 30, 2020.</div>\n</div>\n", "zoteroId": "RPDT3XMU", "uid": "-sId2", "footnoteTitle": "EC, 2020, 2050 long-term strategy"}, "children": [{"text": "climate neutral"}]}, {"text": "."}]}]}}, "blocks_layout": {"items": ["b0279dde-1ceb-4137-a7f1-5ab7b46a782c", "d78387d2-43b2-4631-acf4-c9561ac95655", "5ecd405d-5e45-487e-983b-5ae3ddcbfd00", "a2d69fe7-5e87-451f-b9ff-08c6dec3a8b5", "a9e7853f-5111-4663-93cc-ab27103a6bdd", "d3998442-c00e-4398-abe3-847023912923", "02acd4af-40db-4f78-8dd7-c6a5b6a6c6f5", "16fda1c2-f826-4b34-bb49-26fd88480b83", "ad83216b-d61b-4767-97bb-f67981e841a3"]}}, "@type": "group", "block": "26e0ab75-9525-486f-860a-23a4ee5ee0cf", "allowedBlocks": ["slate"]}}
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