The zero pollution action plan is a cornerstone of the EU’s ambitions to reduce pollution, protect the environment and improve the well-being and health of citizens under the European Green Deal. It sets out the vision that by 2050, the EU should have reduced pollution to the extent that it no longer harms human health and natural ecosystems. This is translated into key 2030 targets to speed up reducing pollution at source. The European Environment Agency has produced this assessment to assess progress towards these targets and to support the Commission in the delivery of the long-term vision of a non-toxic environment.

The Zero pollution monitoring assessment consists of:

Zero pollution monitoring dashboard

The Zero pollution monitoring dashboard is composed 45 quantitative indicators providing assessments on available knowledge and past trends in pollution related to different components of Production and Consumption, Health and Ecosystems. The indicators are complemented by 24 signals. Signals provide additional insights (qualitative and/or quantitative data) and may indicate a trend for a specific phenomenon that is deemed worth exploring despite incomplete coverage. The monitoring dashboard does not include a future/outlook component.

Access the three components

Zero pollution monitoring and outlook report

Individual indicators may not be sufficient, in themselves, to directly assess the drivers and impacts of pollution on ecosystems, production and consumption, and health. However, the dashboard should, as a whole, support the measurement of current progress towards the Zero pollution targets.

The Zero pollution monitoring and outlook report, prepared jointly by the EEA and the JRC, complements the dashboard by providing an overarching assessment that supports policy monitoring and identifies needs for future action. Importantly the report includes specific information and assessment on the future outlook based on available modelling of future scenarios or other available outlook assessments.

Zero pollution target analysis for 2025

This section presents progress towards each zero pollution target, including both the progress based on the most available data and the outlook for the future.

Fig_ES.1_ZP_scoreboard_09 (2).png

Note: Although no baseline year is formally defined for Target 6A and 6B, the year 2018 and 2020 was selected to allow assessment of progress. The assessment for each indicator is based on the best available data, models and expert judgement. However, due to potential gaps in data, variations in trends and the complexity of environmental processes, these assessments may be subject to change. As a result, the categorisation of progress should be interpreted with caution, particularly where uncertainties or limitations in evidence exist.

Categorisation of zero pollution targets

On track: The current status and past trend/models/prospects indicate that the EU is on track to meet the target by 2030.

Likely: The current status and past trend/models/prospects indicate that the EU is likely on track to meet the target by 2030.

Unlikely: The current status and past trend/models/prospects indicate that the EU is unlikely on track to meet the target by 2030.

Off track: The current status and past trend/models/prospects indicate that the EU is off track to meet the target by 2030.