Key messages: Without reducing waste generation, achieving the zero pollution target of halving residual municipal waste by 2030 is unlikely, despite efforts to increase recycling. Intensive efforts to prevent municipal waste generation and increase recycling levels are needed — even above the current EU recycling target. Preventing waste generation, especially that which is difficult to recycle or not recyclable, would deliver the greatest environmental benefit.

Other relevant indicators and signals

References and footnotes

  1. EEA, 2022, ‘Reaching 2030’s residual municipal waste target — why recycling is not enough’, Briefing no. 02/2022, European Environment Agency (Reaching 2030’s residual municipal waste target — why recycling is not enough — European Environment Agency ( accessed 19 July 2024.
    a b c
  2. Eurostat, 2024, Municipal waste by waste management operations,, accessed 03 October 2024.
  3. EU, 2021, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ‘Pathway to a Healthy Planet for All EU Action Plan: ‘Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil’’ (COM/2021/400 final).