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Estimated microplastic releases in the EU

Microplastics are increasingly recognized as a significant emerging pollutant. Microplastic pollution in the environment comes from the breakdown of larger plastic pieces, intentionally added to products, such as textiles, paints and cosmetics, and unintentionally released mainly from abrasion during use (e.g. car tyres) or improper handling (e.g. pellet losses), geotextiles or artificial sport surfaces. Released particles end up in the air, water and soil, and harm ecosystems and effects on human health are still unclear. Zero Pollution Action Plan aims to reduce the intentional and unintentional releases of microplastics to the environment.
In the absence of official monitoring for microplastic releases, the EEA prepared a proxy indicator (see more info section). The estimated trends show a slight increase (7-9%) in microplastics from pre-production pellets, paints, tyres and textiles in the EU. More specifically, estimated emissions from tyre abrasion increased by 12.3%, from plastic pellets by 7%, and from paints by 5% between 2016 and 2022. The increase in microplastic release between 2016 and 2022 has a high level of uncertainty, but there is also no evidence of a current decrease in emissions.
While the assessment indicates an increase in the releases, pieces of EU legislation were adopted or are in preparation that are expected to help reduce the emissions of microplastics. However, implementing the new legislative measures and assessing their positive impacts will take time. Moreover, it is unlikely that the overall effect of the measures taken will be sufficient to achieve the target and therefore the outlook concludes that the target is off track.
Please consult the relevant indicators and signals below for a more comprehensive overview on the topic.
References and footnotes
- ETC/HE, 2024, Microplastic releases in the European Union, ETC HE Report 2024/15. ISBN 978-82-93970-58-3a b
- ↵EC, 2023, Commission Staff Working Document, Impact Assessment Report - Combatting microplastics pollution in the European Union - Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation Of The European Parliament And Of The Council on preventing plastic pellet losses to reduce microplastics pollution, SWD(2023) 332 final,