The EEA takes stock annually of progress towards the 8th Environment Action Programme (8th EAP) objectives on the basis of a set of 28 headline indicators and corresponding targets. These were selected by the European Commission after consultation with stakeholders, EU Member States and the EEA, and they represent key aspects of the 8th EAP. They were outlined in the European Commission Communication on the 8th EAP monitoring framework

The EEA will assess progress towards the 8th EAP objectives in annual reports published every December. The first report was published in December 2023.

Access the 28 8th EAP headline indicators at the date of publication of this report.

This image is a circular infographic representing the progress of the European Union's 8th Environment Action Programme (EAP) in 2023. The infographic is structured as a segmented wheel with the title '8th EAP indicators' at its centre. The wheel is divided into seven broad segments, each corresponding to a key environmental objective. These segments include 'Climate change mitigation,' 'Climate change adaptation,' 'A clean and circular economy,' 'Zero pollution and a toxic-free environment,' 'Biodiversity and ecosystems,' 'Environmental and climate pressures related to EU production and consumption,' and 'Enabling conditions.' Each broad segment is subdivided into smaller sections, which are color-coded according to the likelihood of meeting specific targets by the year 2030. This coding is based on a legend at the bottom of the infographic: green indicates 'Yes, it is very likely,' light green signifies 'Maybe yes, it is likely but uncertain,' yellow represents 'Maybe no, it is unlikely but uncertain,' red stands for 'No, it is very unlikely,' and grey denotes 'It is unclear.' Continuing clockwise, 'Biodiversity and ecosystems' has one green, one yellow, and two red subsegments, displaying a mix of likely and very unlikely progress. The 'Environmental and climate pressures related to EU production and consumption' segment contains a majority of red subsegments, showing several areas 'very unlikely' to meet their targets, and a single yellow subsegment. 'Enabling conditions' is more positive, with two green subsegments and one yellow. The centre of the wheel features the title '8th EAP indicators,' and a legend at the bottom specifies the colour coding: green for 'very likely,' light green for 'likely but uncertain,' yellow for 'unlikely but uncertain,' red for 'very unlikely,' and grey for 'unclear.' The text beneath the wheel explains the 8th EAP's role in shaping the EU's environment and climate policy from 2022 to 2030. The infographic uses colour gradations within each segment to visually communicate the EU's progress towards environmental targets.

8th Environment Action Programme monitoring results

by 8th EAP priority objectives and enabling conditions, 2023

NB: Data in live indicators may have changed since publication of this report