Transport emissions seem to be included under 'energy industries'. Because of the significant impact (i.e. 2/3 of the total greenhouse gas emissions) of the Russian Federation on the overall development for the EECCA countries, the trends shown in the chart above should be treated with great caution. Index 1990 = 100. Emissions from transport in million tonnes of CO2-equivalents in 1990 were: EU25: 768; EECCA: 137 (excluding the Russian Federation); SEE: 55; EFTA: 27. The chart excludes emissions from international transport (which are not covered by the Kyoto Protocol, but for which data are reported by countries separately as a memo item). Emissions from industrial processes in million tonnes of CO2-equivalents in 1990 were: EU25: 431; EECCA: 268; SEE: 56; EFTA: 18.