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See all EU institutions and bodiesEnergy Efficiency ODEX by country
Chart (static)
Change in energy efficiency index by country in the period 1997-2008
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Cyprus
- Czechia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
For households, the ODEX is carried out at the level of 3 end-uses (heating, water heating, cooking) and 5 large appliances (refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers and TVs)
For each end-use, the following indicators are considered to measure efficiency progress:
- Heating: unit consumption per m2 at normal climate (toe/m2)
- Water heating: unit consumption per dwelling with water heating
- Cooking: unit consumption per dwelling
- Large electrical appliances: specific electricity consumption, in kWh/year /appliance
The variation of the weighted index of the unit consumption between t-1 and t is defined as follows:
It – 1/It
with UC i: unit consumption index of end uses i
and ECi: share of each end-use i in total consumption.
The value at year t can be derived from the value at the previous year by reversing the calculation: It /It -1= 1/( It -1/It),
ODEX is set at 100 for a reference year and successive values are then derived for each year t by the value of ODEX at year t-1 multiplied by It /It -1.