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See all EU institutions and bodiesHuman activities and climate change place increasing pressure on the marine environment, leading to shifts in marine primary productivity, food-web dynamics and species’ geographical distributions. The proportion of warm-favouring species in the Greater North and Celtics Seas has risen to 64%, surpassing cold-favouring species since the late-1980s and is positively correlated with recent sea surface temperature increases. Ocean warming, acidification and eutrophication are expected to drive changes further, impacting biodiversity, ecosystems and fishing opportunities.
Figure 1. Temporal development of the ratio of the number of warm-favouring (Lusitanian) species to the number of cool-favouring (Boreal) species

Marine ecosystems perform key environmental functions. They regulate climate, prevent erosion, accumulate and distribute solar energy, absorb carbon dioxide, and maintain biological control. Most of the global warming in the past 50 years has occurred in oceans.
Mitigation of and adaptation to climate change are key EU policy objectives and central to the European Green Deal. The objectives are implemented through the EU Adaptation, Biodiversity for 2030 and Farm to Fork strategies. They are also defined in the Fit for 55 package, Birds Directive, Habitats Directive, Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
One MSFD criterion for good environmental status (GES) is related to the distributional range of species. Distribution patterns should align with prevailing physiographical, geographical and climatic conditions. Monitoring species distribution is therefore important for assessing environmental status and the impacts of climate change on marine life.
Analyses carried out over 56 years reveal that the number of fish species has increased in the assessment area of the North-East Atlantic Ocean. This relates to an increase in the number of warm-favouring (Lusitanian) species, with the number of cool-favouring (Boreal) species increasing by a lesser degree. Consequently, significant increases in the ratio of the number of Lusitanian species to the number of Boreal species have been observed, notably in the Greater North Sea and Celtic Seas.
While Lusitanian:Boreal ratios fluctuate from year to year, some trends are visible when looking at the entire time series. Changes in ratios are most apparent in the North Sea, Irish Sea and West of Scotland. Furthermore, it seems that Lusitanian species have not spread in all northward directions, but have followed two particular routes, through the English Channel and north around Scotland (Figure 1).
The numbers of cool-favouring and warm-favouring species have increased by a similar magnitude in areas such as the Danish Straits (Skagerrak-Kattegat) and Baltic Sea, with Lusitanian:Boreal ratios remaining stable. However, the increased number of non-classified species (unknown) seen in some sub-divisions more recently may influence the results. These species are likely to be of Lusitanian origin, warranting further examination.
Figure 2. Temporal development of the number of species of each biogeographical affinity group (top) and of the ratio between warm-favouring (Lusitanian) and cool-favouring (Boreal) species with sea surface temperature (bottom) by marine region
Significant correlations were found between changes in sea surface temperature (SST) and in the Lusitanian:Boreal ratio for the Greater North and Celtic Seas. Most statistically significant correlations were found with time lags of one and two years between SST and Lusitanian:Boreal ratio time series. Correlation was significant with a time lag of two years for the Baltic Sea. A time lag between changes in fish distribution and SST is expected as species take time to respond, by migrating or through changes in reproduction or survival for example.
Further investigation in the rapidly warming Mediterranean and Black Seas is needed. The overfished Mediterranean Sea is especially vulnerable to changes, including the rapid spread of non-indigenous species. Lessepsian migrants from the Red Sea in particular are expanding northward and westward.
Increasing temperatures are expected to further accelerate ocean warming and cause large-scale changes in marine ecosystems. The combined effects of ocean warming, acidification and deoxygenation also alter species distributions and vertically compress habitats. This may lead to increased overlap among competitors, shifts in food web dynamics with diverging predator-prey interactions, affecting biomass production, fish stocks and the fisheries that rely on them.