The European Climate and Health Observatory aims to support Europe in preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change on human health by providing access to relevant knowledge.

Aims and objectives

Logo European Climate and Health Observatory

Under the 2021 Communication ‘Forging a climate-resilient Europe – the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change’, and as specified in the European Climate Law, the European Commission launched the Observatory under the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT), to better understand, anticipate and minimise the health threats caused by climate change.

The European Climate and Health Observatory is managed jointly by the European Commission and the EEA. The partnership also includes Copernicus Programme Services; European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; European Food Safety Authority; The Lancet Countdown in Europe; and WHO Regional Office for Europe.

The EEA, supported by the European Commission funds, maintains and expands the Observatory web platform under Climate-ADAPT; manages the knowledge, information and tools development and compilation for the Observatory portal; co-manages the Observatory partnership activities; and organises and participates in outreach and communication activities on climate change impacts on health.  

Background information


Service level agreement SANTE/2021/C2/044 - SI2.853034 with DG SANTE

Funding source

  • EU4Health programme
  • General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030
  • EEA core budget



Total cost

EUR 1.5 milion

EEA budget

EUR 1.5 milion


Aleksandra Kazmierczak

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