

This page was archived on 21 Mar 2015 with reason: A new version has been published
The SOER 2010 synthesis provides an overview of the state of, trends in and prospects for the environment in Europe – this 222-page report integrates the main findings across SOER 2010 core elements.
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Publication application/vnd.symbian.install The European environment – state and outlook 2010: Synthesis 1 KB 11 May 2020, 06:09 PM Published
Folder Translations 1 KB 11 May 2020, 06:09 PM Published
Publication Evropska životna sredina — stanje i izgledi u 2010. godini: Sinteza 1 KB 11 May 2020, 06:09 PM Published
Publication O Ambiente na Europa — Situação e Perspectivas 2010: Síntese 1 KB 11 May 2020, 06:09 PM Published
Publication D source code Comhshaol na hEorpa — staid agus forbhreathnú: sintéis 1 KB 11 May 2020, 06:09 PM Published
Publication Europas miljø — Tilstand og fremtidsudsigter 2010: Synteserapport 1 KB 11 May 2020, 06:09 PM Published
Publication Окружающая среда Европы: состояние и перспективы — 2010. Обобщающий доклад 1 KB 11 May 2020, 06:09 PM Published
Publication Umhverfismál Evrópu – Ástand og horfur 2010: Samantekt 1 KB 11 May 2020, 06:09 PM Published