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This report provides policymakers across Europe, at different levels of governance and stages of policy formulation, with information that can be used to support adaptation planning and implementation. Specific parts of the report are therefore targeted at different audiences.
EN PDF: TH-AL-13-004-EN-C - ISBN: 978-92-9213-385-6
- French PDF - L’adaptation en Europe - Prendre en compte les risques et les opportunités du changement climatique dans le contexte du développement socio-économique (0.24MB)
- German PDF - Anpassung in Europa - Umgang mit den Risiken und Chancen des Klimawandels im Kontext sozio-ökonomischer Entwicklungen (0.24MB)
- Italian PDF - Adattamento al cambiamento climatico in Europa - Affrontare i rischi e le opportunità del cambiamento climatico nel quadro degli sviluppi socio-economici (0.22MB)
- Spanish PDF - Adaptacíon en Europa - Los riesgos y oportunidades del cambio climático en su contexto socioeconómico (0.24MB)
- Turkish PDF - Avrupa’da adaptasyon - İklim değişikliğinden kaynaklanan riskleri ve fırsatları sosyoekonomik gelişmeler bağlamında ele almak (0.23MB)