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See all EU institutions and bodiesSignals takes us on a journey, following the course of water from the glaciers of the Alps to the permafrost of the Arctic and the delta of the Ganges. We travel to familiar and far-flung places, looking at how we can rebuild our relationships with the crucial elements of everyday life— water, soil, air — and the animals and plants that make up the tapestry of life on Earth.
EN PDF: TH-AP-10-001-EN-C - ISBN: 978-92-9213-070-1
- Bulgarian PDF - СИГНАЛИ НА ЕАОС 2010 - Биологичното разнообразие, климатичните промени и всички ние (BG) (5.75MB)
- Czech PDF - SIGNÁLY EEA 2010 - Biodiverzita, klimatická změna a vy (CS) (5.23MB)
- Danish PDF - EEA miljøsignaler 2010 - Biodiversitet, klimaforandringer og dig (DA) (5.08MB)
- Dutch PDF - EMA-SIGNALEN 2010 - Biodiversiteit, klimaatverandering en jij (NL) (5.22MB)
- Estonian PDF - EKA SIGNAALID 2010 - Elurikkus, kliimamuutused ja sina (ET) (5.34MB)
- Finnish PDF - YMPÄRISTÖSIGNAALIT 2010 - Luonnon monimuotoisuus, ilmastonmuutos ja me (FI) (5.18MB)
- French PDF - Signaux de l'AEE 2010 - La biodiversité, le changement climatique et vous. (5.14MB)
- German PDF - EUA Signale 2010 - Die biologische Vielfalt, der Klimawandel und Du (5.28MB)
- Greek PDF - ΣΗΜΑΤΑ ΕΟΠ 2010 - Η Βιοποικιλότητα, η Κλιματική Αλλαγή και Εσύ (EL) (5.13MB)
- Hungarian PDF - EEA JELZÉSEK 2010 - A biológiai sokféleség és az éghajéatváltozás szerepe a Te életedben (HU) (5.3MB)
- Icelandic PDF - UMHVERFISTEIKN 2010 - Líffræðilegur fjölbreytileiki, loftslagsbreytingar og þú (IS) (5.14MB)
- Irish Gaelic PDF - SIGNALS EEA 2010 - Bithéagsúlacht, athrú aeráide agus tusa (GA) (5.13MB)
- Italian PDF - SEGNALI AMBIENTALI 2010 - La biodiversità, i cambiamenti climatici e tu (IT) (5.15MB)
- Latvian PDF - EVA SIGNĀLI 2010 -Bioloģiskā daudzveidība, klimata pārmaiņas un mēs (LV) (5.18MB)
- Lithuanian PDF - EAA SIGNALAI 2010 - Biologinė įvairovė, klimato kaita ir tu (LT) (5.53MB)
- Maltese PDF - SINJALI TAL EEA 2010 - Il-bijodiversità, it-Tibdil fil-Klima u Int (MT) (5.18MB)
- Norwegian PDF - EEA MILJØSIGNALER 2010 - Biologisk mangfold, klimaendringer og deg (NO) (5.07MB)
- Polish PDF - SYGNAŁY EEA 2010 - Różnorodność Biologiczna, Zmiany Klimatu i Ty (PL) (5.18MB)
- Portuguese PDF - SINAIS DA AEA 2010 - Biodiversidade, alterações climáticas e você (PT) (5.21MB)
- Romanian PDF - SEMNALE DE MEDIU AEM 2010 - Tu, biodiversitatea şi schimbările climatice (RO) (5.17MB)
- Slovak PDF - SIGNÁLY EEA 2010 - Biodiverzita, klimatické zmeny a vy (SK) (5.25MB)
- Slovenian PDF - EEA SIGNALI 2010 - Biotska raznovrstnost, podnebne spremembe in vi (SL) (5.18MB)
- Spanish PDF - SEÑALES DE LA AEMA 2010 - La biodiversidad, el cambio climático y tú (ES) (5.09MB)
- Swedish PDF - MILJÖSIGNALER 2010 - Klimatet, mångfalden och människan (SV) (5.08MB)
- Turkish PDF - AÇA İŞARETLER 2010 - Biyoçeşitlilik, iklim değişikliği ve siz (TR) (5.12MB)