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See all EU institutions and bodies€3.4Bn of lending was made avavailable by the European Investment Bank for circular economy projects over the period 2018-2022. Targeted financing is a key measure to steer economic development towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns.

Title: Circular economy related lending by the European Investment Bank.
Status: Indicator
Coverage: EU Member States, 2014-2022
Sources: Circular Economy Overview, 2023, European Investment Bank; Annual Circular Economy Overview, 2021, European Investment Bank; Annual Circular Economy Overview, 2020, European Investment Bank.
Lending increased over the period 2016-2020 compared to the period 2014-2018, from EUR 2.4 to 2.7 billion. The sub-sectors Industry and services and Waste management have seen their relative share increase, while it has decreased for water management. Overall, the increase in total lending for CE is a positive trend. This trend is expected to continue in the new few years; as stated in its Climate Bank Roadmap, the EIB intends to reinforce its activities on the circular economy, including through financial support to circular economy projects.
As stated in the 2020 EU Circular Economy Action Plan, in order to accelerate the green transition, decisive measures must be put in place to steer finance towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns. As the EU's investment bank, the EIB is a key player in financing CE-relevant activities across the 27 EU MS. Monitoring the CE-related lending of the EIB is therefore a relevant indicator to understand CE-related financing trends in Europe.
This indicator measures the total lending by the European Investment Bank (EIB) to co-finance circular economy projects, in billion EUR.
Investment tracking is undertaken by the EIB and published in annual reports, from which the data is extracted. Available data is presented in these reports as a five-year aggregate.
Data source: EIB Annual Circular Economy Overview, published since 2020.
Units: Billion EUR
Temporal coverage: 2014-2022
Geographic coverage: EU27
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