Ground-level ozone adversely affects human health, vegetation and ecosystems across Europe. This leads to decreased crop yields and forest growth, and loss of biodiversity. In 2022, almost one third of Europe’s agricultural lands were exposed to ozone levels above the threshold value set for the protection of vegetation in the EU’s Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD). The long-term objective was met for only 11.2% of agricultural lands.

Figure 1. Exposure of agricultural areas to ozone in EEA member countries

Exposure of agricultural areas to ozone in EEA member countries

The pollution of air with ground-level ozone is a serious concern in Europe. Not only because of its harmful effects on human health but also because of its damaging effects on vegetation, leading to reduced crop yields and forest growth, and loss of biodiversity. Ozone is a secondary pollutant of photochemical origin, and therefore its concentrations are determined by precursor emissions and meteorology. Hence ozone concentrations tend to be naturally higher in certain regions, such as southern Europe.

The EU Ambient Air Quality Directive aims to protect vegetation from ozone and sets two standards: a target value and a long-term objective. Both are based on the accumulated ozone exposure above a threshold of 40ppb (parts per billion) (AOT40). AOT40 is the sum of the difference between hourly concentrations greater than 80µg/m3 (40ppb) and 80µg/m3 over a given period using only the one-hour values measured between 08:00 and 20:00 Central European Time (CET) each day.

The period is from May to July for the protection of vegetation and crops. The target value for protection of vegetation is set at 18,000μg/m3.hour, calculated over five years, however, this indicator examines its value every single year (what we call the target value threshold). The long-term objective for protection of vegetation is set at 6,000μg/m3.hour.

The fraction of agricultural land in the EEA member countries exposed to ozone levels above the threshold is substantial. Exceedances have been regularly observed in central, southern and eastern Europe over time. Considerable variation from year to year makes trend identification difficult, partially due to different meteorological conditions.

The fraction of land exposed to levels of ozone exceeding the target value threshold reached an absolute minimum in 2020 of 5.5%, an increase to 18% in 2021, reaching 32.5% in 2022. This amounts to a total area of 719.442km2 of agricultural land being exposed to levels above the target value threshold in 2022. The relatively higher values in 2022 may be related to the meteorological influence on ozone formation. According to Copernicus, 2022 was the fifth warmest year on globally and the second warmest year in Europe on record. The summer of 2022 was the warmest summer in Europe on record. 

Twelve EEA member countries had all of their agricultural land exposed to values below the target value threshold in 2022: the five Nordic countries, the three Baltic Republics, the Benelux and Ireland.

The long-term objective is in line with the critical level of ozone for the protection of crops defined by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP or Air Convention). In 2022, this long-term objective was met for only 11.2% of the total agricultural area of the EEA countries. Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia and Lithuania were the only EEA countries that had all of their agricultural land exposed to values below the long-term objective.

Figure 2. Exposure of forest areas to ozone in EEA member countries

Exposure of forest areas to ozone in EEA member countries

The UNECE Air Convention defines a critical ozone exposure level for the protection of forests, as AOT40 defined from April to September, of 10,000 μg/m3.hour. Between 2005 and 2022, large variations in the exposure of forested areas to ozone were observed. In 2006, almost all forests were exposed to levels exceeding the critical level and in 2018 this was the case for 87.5% of the forested area. In contrast, in 2015, 2017 and 2020, more than 40% of forests were exposed to levels below the critical level, with a similar value of 38% in 2022.

In 2022, the critical level for forests was not exceeded in Estonia, Finland, Iceland and Lithuania.