Observed concentrations of O3 in 2019. The data presented were reported as up-to-date (UTD) data and therefore should be considered as not validated. They are used for the purpose of providing a preliminary assessment of the situation in 2019 in relation to the O3 target value. The map shows the 93.2 percentile of the O3 maximum daily 8-hour mean, representing the 26th highest value in a complete series. It is related to the O3 target value. At sites marked with triangles in the last two colour categories, the 26th highest daily O3 concentrations were above the 120 μg/m3 threshold, implying an exceedance of the target value threshold. Please note that the legal definition of the target value considers not only 1 year but the average over 3 years. Only stations with more than 75 % of valid UTD data have been included in the map.

References and footnotes