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See all EU institutions and bodiesThe cumulative loss of aluminium from the hard packaging cycle in Flanders
Chart (static)
The graph shows the cycling of a (fictitious) amount of aluminium over time through the hard packaging cycle (aluminium drinking cans). The data were compiled by a model that uses a Weibull curve to simulate the duration of the use phase of aluminium cans. Parameters were chosen to mimic an average use phase duration of six months (based on literature data). Each month, the aluminium leaving the use phase is partitioned into collected/non collected. Then, the collected fraction is again partitioned in recuperated/non recuperated. Similarly, the recuperated fraction is partitioned in recycled/non recycled. Following efficiencies were used for the model: collection efficiency: 97%; pre-processing efficiency: 97%; smelting process efficiency: 97%. The efficiency data used are valid for Flanders in 2014, it is merely a coincidence that all three efficiencies are the same. Data shown are the sum of the 12 monthly model steps.
- This is a one-off modelling based graph- data not downloadable, VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek)