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Data table via SPARQL

Trends in share of expenditure on consumption categories

Data table via SPARQL Published 19 Mar 2014 Last modified 20 Apr 2016

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date coicop_housing_water_electricity_gas_and_other_fuels coicop_transport coicop_food_and_non_alcoholic_beverages coicop_miscellaneous coicop_recreation_and_culture coicop_restaurants_and_hotels coicop_furnishings_household_equipment_and_routine_maintenance_of_the_house coicop_clothing_and_footwear coicop_health coicop_alcoholic_beverages_tobacco_and_narcotics coicop_communications coicop_education
"1995"^^<> "20.7"^^<> "13.1"^^<> "14.4"^^<> "11.3"^^<> "9.1"^^<> "8.3"^^<> "6.9"^^<> "6.6"^^<> "3.1"^^<> "3.8"^^<> "1.9"^^<> "0.9"^^<>
"1996"^^<> "20.9"^^<> "13.4"^^<> "14.2"^^<> "11.1"^^<> "9.2"^^<> "8.3"^^<> "6.8"^^<> "6.5"^^<> "3.1"^^<> "3.8"^^<> "2"^^<> "0.9"^^<>
"1997"^^<> "20.8"^^<> "13.5"^^<> "13.9"^^<> "11.2"^^<> "9.3"^^<> "8.3"^^<> "6.7"^^<> "6.4"^^<> "3.1"^^<> "3.8"^^<> "2.1"^^<> "0.9"^^<>
"1998"^^<> "20.7"^^<> "13.6"^^<> "13.6"^^<> "11.1"^^<> "9.5"^^<> "8.4"^^<> "6.7"^^<> "6.4"^^<> "3.1"^^<> "3.8"^^<> "2.2"^^<> "0.9"^^<>
"1999"^^<> "20.6"^^<> "13.8"^^<> "13.2"^^<> "11.1"^^<> "9.6"^^<> "8.5"^^<> "6.7"^^<> "6.3"^^<> "3.2"^^<> "3.8"^^<> "2.3"^^<> "1"^^<>
"2000"^^<> "20.5"^^<> "13.8"^^<> "13"^^<> "11.4"^^<> "9.7"^^<> "8.6"^^<> "6.7"^^<> "6.1"^^<> "3.1"^^<> "3.7"^^<> "2.5"^^<> "1"^^<>
"2001"^^<> "20.7"^^<> "13.5"^^<> "13.1"^^<> "11.4"^^<> "9.6"^^<> "8.7"^^<> "6.6"^^<> "6"^^<> "3.2"^^<> "3.7"^^<> "2.7"^^<> "1"^^<>
"2002"^^<> "20.9"^^<> "13.4"^^<> "13.1"^^<> "11.1"^^<> "9.6"^^<> "8.7"^^<> "6.4"^^<> "6"^^<> "3.3"^^<> "3.8"^^<> "2.7"^^<> "1"^^<>
"2003"^^<> "21.2"^^<> "13.3"^^<> "13"^^<> "11.2"^^<> "9.5"^^<> "8.7"^^<> "6.4"^^<> "5.9"^^<> "3.4"^^<> "3.7"^^<> "2.8"^^<> "1"^^<>
"2004"^^<> "21.3"^^<> "13.4"^^<> "12.8"^^<> "11.3"^^<> "9.6"^^<> "8.7"^^<> "6.3"^^<> "5.7"^^<> "3.4"^^<> "3.7"^^<> "2.8"^^<> "1"^^<>

Received 19 rows in 0.001 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX qb: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX coicop: <>

year(?date) as ?date
round(sum(?CP04)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_housing_water_electricity_gas_and_other_fuels
round(sum(?CP07)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_transport
round(sum(?CP01)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_food_and_non_alcoholic_beverages
round(sum(?CP12)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_miscellaneous
round(sum(?CP09)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_recreation_and_culture
round(sum(?CP11)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_restaurants_and_hotels
round(sum(?CP05)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_furnishings_household_equipment_and_routine_maintenance_of_the_house
round(sum(?CP03)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_clothing_and_footwear
round(sum(?CP06)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_health
round(sum(?CP02)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_alcoholic_beverages_tobacco_and_narcotics
round(sum(?CP08)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_communications
round(sum(?CP10)/sum(?total)*1000)/10.0 as ?coicop_education

  _:nama_co3_c qb:dataSet <>. 
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . FILTER (year(?date) >= 1995) 
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . FILTER (?geo in (geo:IS, geo:NO, geo:EU28)) . 
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <> . 
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP04 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP04 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP07 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP07 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP01 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP01 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP12 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP12 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP09 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP09 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP11 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP11 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP05 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP05 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP03 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP03 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP06 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP06 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP02 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP02 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP08 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP08 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop coicop:CP10 .
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?CP10 .
  } UNION {
  _:nama_co3_c property:coicop ?coicop . 
  FILTER (?coicop in (coicop:CP04,coicop:CP07,coicop:CP01,coicop:CP12,coicop:CP09,coicop:CP11,coicop:CP05,coicop:CP03,coicop:CP06,coicop:CP02,coicop:CP08,coicop:CP10))
  _:nama_co3_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?total .
GROUP BY ?date
ORDER BY ?date


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