level1_materials itemlabel year perc
Plastic Cigarette butts and filters Overall 16.7
Plastic Plastic pieces 2.5 > < 50 cm Overall 8.7
Plastic Polystyrene pieces 2.5 cm > < 50 cm Overall 5.9
Plastic Plastic caps/lids drinks Overall 5.9
Plastic Shopping Bags incl. pieces Overall 5.6
Plastic String and cord (diameter less than 1cm) Overall 5.1
Plastic Crisps packets/sweets wrappers Overall 4.8
Plastic Cotton bud sticks Overall 4.0
Glass/ceramics Glass or ceramic fragments > 2.5 cm Overall 3.8
Plastic Plastic/polystyrene pieces 2.5 cm > < 50cm Overall 3.1
Plastic Drink bottles <=0.5l Overall 3.0
Plastic Food containers incl. fast food containers Overall 2.6
Plastic Drink bottles >0.5l Overall 2.2
Plastic Tangled nets/cord Overall 2.2
Plastic Lolly sticks Overall 2.1
Metal Cans (bevarage) Overall 2.1
Plastic Straws and stirrers Overall 2.0
Plastic Cups and cup lids Overall 1.5
Glass/ceramics Bottles incl. pieces Overall 1.3
Plastic Small plastic bags, e.g. freezer bags incl. pieces Overall 1.3
Plastic Cutlery and trays Overall 1.1
Plastic Shotgun cartridges Overall 1.1
Metal Other metal pieces < 50 cm Overall 0.9
Plastic Other plastic/polystyrene items (identifiable) Overall 0.8
Plastic Fishing line/monofilament (angling) Overall 0.8
Cloth/textile Clothing / rags (clothing, hats, towels) Overall 0.7
Plastic Plastic pieces > 50 cm Overall 0.6
Plastic Cigarette lighters Overall 0.5
Plastic Plastic caps/lids unidentified Overall 0.5
Plastic Medical/Pharmaceuticals containers/tubes Overall 0.5
Metal Bottle caps, lids & pull tabs Overall 0.5
Plastic Toys and party poppers Overall 0.4
Cloth/textile Other textiles (incl. rags) Overall 0.4
Plastic Nets and pieces of net < 50 cm Overall 0.4
Cloth/textile Tampons and tampon applicators Overall 0.4
Plastic Foam sponge Overall 0.4
Paper/Cardboard Paper fragments Overall 0.3
Paper/Cardboard Paper bags Overall 0.3
Paper/Cardboard Cigarette packets Overall 0.3
Plastic Shoes/sandals Overall 0.3
Rubber Balloons and balloon sticks Overall 0.3
Plastic Plastic caps/lids chemicals, detergents (non-food) Overall 0.3
Plastic Polystyrene pieces > 50 cm Overall 0.3
Plastic Rope (diameter more than 1cm) Overall 0.3
Plastic Mussels nets, Oyster nets Overall 0.3
Plastic Plastic rings from bottle caps/lids Overall 0.2
Plastic Strapping bands Overall 0.2
Plastic Nets and pieces of net > 50 cm Overall 0.2
Processed/worked wood Ice-cream sticks, chip forks, chopsticks & toothpicks Overall 0.2
Rubber Other rubber pieces Overall 0.2
Metal Foil wrappers, aluminum foil Overall 0.1
Plastic 4/6-pack yokes, six-pack rings Overall 0.1
Processed/worked wood Other wood < 50 cm Overall 0.1
Paper/Cardboard Other paper items Overall 0.1
Plastic Sheets, industrial packaging, plastic sheeting Overall 0.1
Cloth/textile Rope, string and nets Overall 0.1
Plastic Tobacco pouches / plastic cigarette box packaging Overall 0.1
Glass/ceramics Construction material (brick, cement, pipes) Overall 0.1
Plastic Sanitary towels/panty liners/backing strips Overall 0.1
Paper/Cardboard Newspapers & magazines Overall 0.1
Plastic Pens and pen lids Overall 0.1
Rubber Wheels Overall 0.1
Plastic Floats for fishing nets Overall 0.1
Paper/Cardboard Cups, food trays, food wrappers, drink containers Overall 0.1
Plastic Other bottles & containers (drums) Overall 0.1
Paper/Cardboard Cartons/Tetrapack Milk Overall 0.1