{ "items": [ { "group": "", "label": 0, "type": "", "speciesGroup": "" }, { "group": "AMPHIBIA, REPTILIA", "label": 1, "type": "Frogs and other amphibians", "speciesGroup": "European green frog" }, { "group": "AMPHIBIA, REPTILIA", "label": 2, "type": "Frogs and other amphibians", "speciesGroup": "Frogs" }, { "group": "AMPHIBIA, REPTILIA", "label": 3, "type": "Frogs and other amphibians", "speciesGroup": "American bull frog" }, { "group": "AMPHIBIA, REPTILIA", "label": 4, "type": "Frogs and other amphibians", "speciesGroup": "East Asian bullfrog" }, { "group": "AMPHIBIA, REPTILIA", "label": 5, "type": "Turtles", "speciesGroup": "Chinese softshell turtle" }, { "group": "AMPHIBIA, REPTILIA", "label": 6, "type": "Turtles", "speciesGroup": "River and lake turtles nei" }, { "group": "AMPHIBIA, REPTILIA", "label": 7, "type": "Turtles", "speciesGroup": "Green turtle" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 8, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Mediterranean shore crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 9, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Spinous spider crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 10, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Green crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 11, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Gazami crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 12, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Blue crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 13, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Indo-Pacific swamp crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 14, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Portunus swimcrabs nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 15, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Swimming crabs, etc. nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 16, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Marine crabs nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 17, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Orange mud crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 18, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Callinectes swimcrabs nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 19, "type": "Crabs, sea-spiders", "speciesGroup": "Blue swimming crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 20, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Giant river prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 21, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Euro-American crayfishes nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 22, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Danube crayfish" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 23, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Noble crayfish" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 24, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Red swamp crawfish" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 25, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Signal crayfish" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 26, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Freshwater prawns, shrimps nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 27, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Red claw crayfish" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 28, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Yabby crayfish" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 29, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Marron crayfish" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 30, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Chinese mitten crab" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 31, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Oriental river prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 32, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Freshwater crustaceans nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 33, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "River prawns nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 34, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Monsoon river prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 35, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Monkey river prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 36, "type": "Freshwater crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Sawtooth caridina" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 37, "type": "Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters", "speciesGroup": "Palinurid spiny lobsters nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 38, "type": "Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters", "speciesGroup": "Spiny lobsters nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 39, "type": "Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters", "speciesGroup": "Tropical spiny lobsters nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 40, "type": "Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters", "speciesGroup": "Caribbean spiny lobster" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 41, "type": "Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters", "speciesGroup": "Flathead lobster" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 42, "type": "Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters", "speciesGroup": "Mud spiny lobster" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 43, "type": "Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters", "speciesGroup": "Japanese spiny lobster" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 44, "type": "Miscellaneous marine crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Marine crustaceans nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 45, "type": "Miscellaneous marine crustaceans", "speciesGroup": "Brine shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 46, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Kuruma prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 47, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Indian white prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 48, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Caramote prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 49, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Whiteleg shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 50, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Common prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 51, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Palaemonid shrimps nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 52, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Atlantic ditch shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 53, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Green tiger prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 54, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Giant tiger prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 55, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Natantian decapods nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 56, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Northern white shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 57, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Southern white shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 58, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Eastern king prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 59, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Penaeus shrimps nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 60, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Brown tiger prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 61, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Eastern school shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 62, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Speckled shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 63, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Blue shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 64, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Fleshy prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 65, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Banana prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 66, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Akiami paste shrimp" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 67, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Metapenaeus shrimps nei" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 68, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Baltic prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 69, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Redtail prawn" }, { "group": "CRUSTACEA", "label": 70, "type": "Shrimps, prawns", "speciesGroup": "Greasyback shrimp" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 71, "type": "Miscellaneous aquatic invertebrates", "speciesGroup": "Aquatic invertebrates nei" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 72, "type": "Miscellaneous aquatic invertebrates", "speciesGroup": "Jellyfishes nei" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 73, "type": "Sea-squirts and other tunicates", "speciesGroup": "Sea squirts nei" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 74, "type": "Sea-squirts and other tunicates", "speciesGroup": "Red bait" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 75, "type": "Sea-urchins and other echinoderms", "speciesGroup": "Stony sea urchin" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 76, "type": "Sea-urchins and other echinoderms", "speciesGroup": "Japanese sea cucumber" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 77, "type": "Sea-urchins and other echinoderms", "speciesGroup": "Sea urchins nei" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 78, "type": "Sea-urchins and other echinoderms", "speciesGroup": "Sea cucumbers nei" }, { "group": "INVERTEBRATA AQUATICA", "label": 79, "type": "Sea-urchins and other echinoderms", "speciesGroup": "Sandfish" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 80, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Gastropods nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 81, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Periwinkles nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 82, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Abalones nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 83, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Stromboid conchs nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 84, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Rough turban" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 85, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Red abalone" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 86, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Japanese abalone" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 87, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Sea snails" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 88, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Perlemoen abalone" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 89, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Rainbow abalone" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 90, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "False abalone" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 91, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Horned turban" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 92, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Tuberculate abalone" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 93, "type": "Abalones, winkles, conchs", "speciesGroup": "Queen conch" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 94, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Clams, etc. nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 95, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Common edible cockle" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 96, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Venus clams nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 97, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Striped venus" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 98, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Solen razor clams nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 99, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Warty venus" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 100, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Banded carpet shell" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 101, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Pod razor shell" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 102, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Japanese carpet shell" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 103, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Pullet carpet shell" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 104, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Grooved carpet shell" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 105, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Donax clams" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 106, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Golden carpet shell" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 107, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Peppery furrow" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 108, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Northern quahog(=Hard clam)" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 109, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Butter clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 110, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Cockles nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 111, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Pacific geoduck" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 112, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Pacific littleneck clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 113, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Sand gaper" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 114, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Pacific horse clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 115, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Giant clams nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 116, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Pacific asaphis" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 117, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Constricted tagelus" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 118, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Blood cockle" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 119, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Anadara clams nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 120, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Rooster venus" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 121, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Fluted giant clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 122, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Elongate giant clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 123, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Bear paw clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 124, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Giant clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 125, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Smooth giant clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 126, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Crocus giant clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 127, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Black ark" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 128, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Grand ark" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 129, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Carpet shells nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 130, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Smooth mactra" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 131, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Inflated ark" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 132, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Oriental cyclina" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 133, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Globose clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 134, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Japanese hard clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 135, "type": "Clams, cockles, arkshells", "speciesGroup": "Diphos sanguin" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 136, "type": "Freshwater molluscs", "speciesGroup": "Freshwater molluscs nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 137, "type": "Freshwater molluscs", "speciesGroup": "Asian clam" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 138, "type": "Freshwater molluscs", "speciesGroup": "Swan mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 139, "type": "Freshwater molluscs", "speciesGroup": "Chinese mystery snail" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 140, "type": "Freshwater molluscs", "speciesGroup": "Broad geloina" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 141, "type": "Miscellaneous marine molluscs", "speciesGroup": "Marine molluscs nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 142, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Mediterranean mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 143, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Blue mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 144, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Sea mussels nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 145, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "River Plata mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 146, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Cholga mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 147, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Australian mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 148, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "South American rock mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 149, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Choro mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 150, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Chilean mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 151, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Green mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 152, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "New Zealand mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 153, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Horse mussels nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 154, "type": "Mussels", "speciesGroup": "Korean mussel" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 155, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Pacific cupped oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 156, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "European flat oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 157, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Cupped oysters nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 158, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Flat and cupped oysters nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 159, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Olympia oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 160, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Flat oysters nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 161, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "American cupped oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 162, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Mangrove cupped oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 163, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Sydney cupped oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 164, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Chilean flat oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 165, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Gasar cupped oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 166, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Indian backwater oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 167, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Hooded oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 168, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Cortez oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 169, "type": "Oysters", "speciesGroup": "Slipper cupped oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 170, "type": "Pearls, mother-of-pearl, shells", "speciesGroup": "Freshwater mussel shells" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 171, "type": "Pearls, mother-of-pearl, shells", "speciesGroup": "Pearl oyster shells nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 172, "type": "Pearls, mother-of-pearl, shells", "speciesGroup": "Blacklip pearl oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 173, "type": "Pearls, mother-of-pearl, shells", "speciesGroup": "Penguin wing oyster" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 174, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Great Atlantic scallop" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 175, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Queen scallop" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 176, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Variegated scallop" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 177, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Great Mediterranean scallop" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 178, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Yesso scallop" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 179, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Scallops nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 180, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Southern Australia scallop" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 181, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Pacific lion's paw" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 182, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Peruvian calico scallop" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 183, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Pen shells nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 184, "type": "Scallops, pectens", "speciesGroup": "Pacific calico scallop" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 185, "type": "Squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses", "speciesGroup": "Common cuttlefish" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 186, "type": "Squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses", "speciesGroup": "Octopuses nei" }, { "group": "MOLLUSCA", "label": 187, "type": "Squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses", "speciesGroup": "Octopuses, etc. nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 188, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Crucian carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 189, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Roaches nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 190, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Common carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 191, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Grass carp(=White amur)" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 192, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Silver carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 193, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Wuchang bream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 194, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Bighead carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 195, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Tench" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 196, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Cyprinids nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 197, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Rudd" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 198, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Freshwater bream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 199, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Roach" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 200, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Bleak" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 201, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Goldfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 202, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Barbel" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 203, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Buffalofishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 204, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Black carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 205, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Danube bleak" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 206, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Vimba bream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 207, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Common nase" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 208, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Chub" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 209, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 210, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Orfe(=Ide)" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 211, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Asp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 212, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Chubs nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 213, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Kutum" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 214, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Roho labeo" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 215, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Orangefin labeo" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 216, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Catla" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 217, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Mrigal carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 218, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Asian barbs nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 219, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Silver barb" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 220, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Olive barb" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 221, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Mud carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 222, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Pond loach" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 223, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Nilem carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 224, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Hoven's carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 225, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Vatani rohtee" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 226, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Tinfoil barb" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 227, "type": "Carps, 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"label": 236, "type": "Carps, barbels and other cyprinids", "speciesGroup": "Small scale mud carp" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 237, "type": "Cods, hakes, haddocks", "speciesGroup": "Atlantic cod" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 238, "type": "Cods, hakes, haddocks", "speciesGroup": "Pollack" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 239, "type": "Cods, hakes, haddocks", "speciesGroup": "Haddock" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 240, "type": "Cods, hakes, haddocks", "speciesGroup": "Longrayed whiptail" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 241, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Turbot" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 242, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Bastard halibut" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 243, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "European flounder" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 244, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Common sole" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 245, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Soles nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 246, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Senegalese sole" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 247, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Atlantic halibut" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 248, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Brill" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 249, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 250, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Lefteye flounders nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 251, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Righteye flounders nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 252, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Bastard halibuts nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 253, "type": "Flounders, halibuts, soles", "speciesGroup": "Flatfishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 254, "type": "Marine fishes not identified", "speciesGroup": "Marine fishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 255, "type": "Marine fishes not identified", "speciesGroup": "Groundfishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 256, "type": "Marine fishes not identified", "speciesGroup": "Finfishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 257, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Red drum" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 258, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Gilthead seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 259, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "European seabass" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 260, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Mullets nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 261, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Sharpsnout seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 262, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Meagre" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 263, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Red porgy" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 264, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Marbled spinefoot" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 265, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Shi drum" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 266, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Japanese seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 267, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "White seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 268, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Common dentex" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 269, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Common pandora" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 270, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Sciaenas nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 271, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Flathead grey mullet" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 272, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", 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"Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Crimson seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 282, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Silver seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 283, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Tiger pufferfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 284, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Sargo breams nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 285, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Croakers, drums nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 286, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Pink dentex" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 287, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Black seabass" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 288, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "White-spotted spinefoot" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 289, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Greasy grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 290, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Goldlined seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 291, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Sobaity seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 292, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Orange-spotted grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 293, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Mangrove red snapper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 294, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Snappers nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 295, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Snooks(=Robalos) nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 296, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Groupers nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 297, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Large yellow croaker" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 298, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Japanese seabass" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 299, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Obscure pufferfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 300, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Tarpon" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 301, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Spotted rose snapper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 302, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Common snook" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 303, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Whitemouth croaker" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 304, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Lebranche mullet" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 305, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Goldsilk seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 306, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Sixfinger threadfin" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 307, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Spinefeet(=Rabbitfishes) nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 308, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Mojarras(=Silver-biddies) nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 309, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "John's snapper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 310, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Brown-marbled grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 311, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Fourfinger threadfin" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 312, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Japanese meagre" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 313, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Emperor red snapper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 314, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Yellowfin seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 315, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Orbicular batfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 316, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Groupers, seabasses nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 317, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Scats" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 318, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Percoids nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 319, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Bluespot mullet" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 320, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Papuan black snapper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 321, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Malabar grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 322, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Spotted coralgrouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 323, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Giant grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 324, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Black grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 325, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Streaked spinefoot" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 326, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Humpback grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 327, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Green humphead parrotfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 328, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Squaretail mullet" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 329, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Thinlip grey mullet" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 330, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Gobies nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 331, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "So-iuy mullet" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 332, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Okhotsk atka mackerel" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 333, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Filefishes, leatherjackets nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 334, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Pufferfishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 335, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Hong Kong grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 336, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Areolate grouper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 337, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Russell's snapper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 338, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Drums nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 339, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Yellowback seabream" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 340, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Trumpet emperor" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 341, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Two-spot red snapper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 342, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Great blue spotted mudskipper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 343, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Snappers, jobfishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 344, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Mi-iuy (brown) croaker" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 345, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Waigieu seaperch" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 346, "type": "Miscellaneous coastal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Atlantic spadefish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 347, "type": "Miscellaneous demersal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Spotted wolffish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 348, "type": "Miscellaneous demersal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Atlantic wolffish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 349, "type": "Miscellaneous demersal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Scorpionfishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 350, "type": "Miscellaneous demersal fishes", "speciesGroup": "Korean rockfish" }, { 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nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 368, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Black bullhead" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 369, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Burbot" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 370, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Philippine catfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 371, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "American yellow perch" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 372, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Torpedo-shaped catfishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 373, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Pacu" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 374, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Streaked prochilod" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 375, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Sorubims nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 376, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater 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"speciesGroup": "Yellow catfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 412, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Amur catfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 413, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Duckbill catfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 414, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Barred sorubim" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 415, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Dorada" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 416, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Netted prochilod" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 417, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Black prochilodus" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 418, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Gudgeons, sleepers nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 419, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Pacific fat sleeper" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 420, "type": 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"Upsidedown catfishes" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 438, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Naked catfishes" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 439, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Grass-eaters nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 440, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Aba" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 441, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Kafue pike" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 442, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Reticulate knifefish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 443, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Argentinian silverside" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 444, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Amazon sailfin catfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 445, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Gouramis nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 446, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Knifefishes" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 447, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Africa-bighead catfish, hybrid" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 448, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Hong Kong catfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 449, "type": "Miscellaneous freshwater fishes", "speciesGroup": "Bayad" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 450, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Cobia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 451, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Big-scale sand smelt" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 452, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Mackerels nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 453, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Greater amberjack" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 454, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "White trevally" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 455, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Japanese jack mackerel" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 456, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Japanese amberjack" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 457, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Longfin yellowtail" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 458, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Jacks, crevalles nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 459, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Florida pompano" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 460, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Yellowtail amberjack" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 461, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Amberjacks nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 462, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": "Snubnose pompano" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 463, "type": "Miscellaneous pelagic fishes", "speciesGroup": 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"label": 473, "type": "River eels", "speciesGroup": "American eel" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 474, "type": "River eels", "speciesGroup": "River eels nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 475, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Rainbow trout" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 476, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Grayling" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 477, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Whitefishes nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 478, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Arctic char" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 479, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Sea trout" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 480, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Brook trout" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 481, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Salmonoids nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 482, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Huchen" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 483, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Atlantic salmon" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 484, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Trouts nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 485, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Chars nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 486, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Coho(=Silver) salmon" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 487, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Golden trout" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 488, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "European whitefish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 489, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Pacific salmons nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 490, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Ayu sweetfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 491, "type": "Salmons, trouts, smelts", "speciesGroup": "Peled" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 492, "type": "Salmons, trouts, 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511, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Tilapias nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 512, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Nile tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 513, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Sabaki tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 514, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Mozambique tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 515, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Blue tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 516, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Blackchin tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 517, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 518, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Three spotted tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 519, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Banded jewelfish" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 520, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Blue-Nile tilapia, hybrid" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 521, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Redbreast tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 522, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Cichlasoma nei" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 523, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Green terror" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 524, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Blackbelt cichlid" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 525, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Jaguar guapote" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 526, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Redbelly tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 527, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Mango tilapia" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 528, "type": "Tilapias and other cichlids", "speciesGroup": "Tilapia shiranus" }, { "group": "PISCES", "label": 529, 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