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See all EU institutions and bodiesNitrate in groundwater in Europe
Chart (static)
Note: The data series are calculated as the average of annual mean concentrations for groundwater bodies, river stations and lake stations in Europe. Only complete series after inter/extrapolation are included (see indicator specification).
The number of groundwater bodies included per country is given in parentheses:
1992-2018: Europe (542), Austria (13), Belgium (20), Bulgaria (24), Denmark (84), Estonia (17), Finland** (8), France (248), Germany (66), Ireland (51), Portugal (2), Slovakia (4), Slovenia (5).
2000-2018: Europe (1077), Austria (14), Belgium (34), Bulgaria (40), Cyprus (5), Czechia (64), Denmark (89), Estonia (20), Finland** (9), France (441), Germany (175), Ireland (68), Malta (2), Portugal (10), Serbia (21), Slovakia (16), Slovenia (6), Spain (26), Switzerland (37).
(* = all data total oxidized nitrogen, ** = some data total oxidized nitrogen)
- Waterbase - Water Quality , European Environment Agency (EEA)
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Cyprus
- Czechia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Ireland
- Malta
- Portugal
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Switzerland